- second polar body

Developmental Potential Studies on the Second Polar Body of Mouse
Near the area through which the first polar body was extruded , the microvillus of oocyte disappeared , where the second polar body might possibly be extruded .
Triploidy was induced by inhibiting polar body ⅱ with CB and 7.2 × 10 7 triploid oysters were produced .
Triploidy of Crassostrea gigas induced with 6-DMAP : by blocking the second polar body of the
Meiotic gynogenesis in P. olivaceus was induced by cold shocks to the eggs fertilized with UV irradiated sperms .
78.54 % of oocytes extrude the second polar bodies after they were activated by electricity , and subsequently the rate of SPB in an hour dramatically decreased ;
Sex reversed diploid rainbow trout whose genotype was XX was as father , heat shock was used to restrain the second meiosis of the fertilized eggs of rainbow trout to induced all female rainbow trout triploid .
By the 25-30th minute postinsemination , the first polar body was ejected . By 55 min after the insemination , the second polar body was released .
These results indicate that CHX at an appropriate concentration can improve the parthenogenetic development of buffalo oocytes , CB at an appropriate concentration may inhibit the extrusion of the first polar body and increase the proportion of activated oocytes with two pronuclei . 2 .
Study on the First and the Second Polar Bodies in Mammals
By 55 min after the insemination , the second polar body was released .
Tetraploidy was induced by inhibition of the first and the second polar bodies in normal diploid zygotes .
After fertilization membrane was lifted , the secondary egg emitted the second polar body into the perivitelline space .
The oocytes undergoing meiotic division sequentially extrude the first and the second small polar bodies from the large oocytes .
This study was made to optimize hydrostatic pressure shock conditions for producing triploid transparent colored crucian carp ( Carassius auratus transparent colored variety ) by inducing second polar body retention .
The release time of first polar body , second polar body and the start time of first cleavage about Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis 's oosperm are related to the water temperature .
When the oocytes were fertilized in vitro , the microvilli on their surface became erect , the second polar body had a nucleus , and in the cytoplasm of the oocytes there were abundant organelles which were mainly distributed in the centre of the c ells .