
dì sān xìn shǐ
  • third messenger
  1. 原癌基因C-fos是即刻早期基因(immediateearlygene,IEG),它的表达产物作为细胞内信号传递的第三信使(thirdmessenger)对细胞增殖、分化、凋亡及信号转导具有重要生理作用。

    C-fos is an immediate early gene and its expressible protein plays some key roles in the cell division , cell differentiation and cell apoptosis as the third messenger in the massage transmission .

  2. 【结论】提示第三信使IEG作为转录调控因子参与了氯化甲基汞对中枢神经损害的毒性过程。

    Conclusion The results indicated that IEG , as a transcription regular factor , could participate in the process of neurotoxicity induced by chloro methylmercury .

  3. 这一结果提示第三信使IEG作为转录调控因子可能参与了铅对学习记忆损害的神经毒性过程。

    The results indicated that IEG , as a transcription regular factor , may participate in the neurological toxicity damaging the learning and memory ability induced by lead .

  4. 松果腺分泌褪黑素(MEL)受SCN的调控,MEL通过作用于SCN上高亲和性MEL受体,启动第二、第三信使系统,调整SCN的昼夜节律活动。

    Melatonin ( MEL ) is secreted by pineal gland , which is regulated by SCN . MEL triggers the second and third message systems , and regulates SCN circadian activity through high affinity MEL receptor within SCN .