
  • 网络Saks Fifth Avenue;Fifth Ave;The Fifth Avenue
  1. 纽约的萨克斯第五大道百货公司的创始人DavidCampbell说道:“策略即记住什么是你想要的。”

    David Campbell , the founder of Saks Fifth Avenue , said ," Discipline is remembering what you want . "

  2. 30岁的莎拉·奇瓦亚(SarahChiwaya)是曼哈顿的一名律师。去年春天,她要去萨克斯第五大道精品百货店参加一场时尚活动。

    Last spring Sarah Chiwaya , 30 , a lawyer in Manhattan , attended a fashion event at Saks Fifth Avenue .

  3. 波道夫·古德曼在第五大道上开了一家男装店。

    Bergdorf Goodman has opened a men 's store on Fifth Avenue

  4. 他沿着第五大道走了走,好让大脑清醒清醒。

    He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head

  5. 第五大道82街入口每周开放7天

    Entrances Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street Open 7 days a week

  6. 第五大道上的富翁们已经出去避暑,空出的宅第都已锁好了门窗,钉上了木板

    Fifth Avenue was boarded up where the rich had deserted their mansions .

  7. 基南曾经在苹果(Apple)零售店干了两年半,一家在皇后,一家就是第五大道这家店。

    Keenen worked two and half years for Apple ( AAPL ) in retail , both in Queens and in this store .

  8. 在接下来数月内,极具象征意味的事情将发生在纽约第五大道(FifthAvenue)上那座宏伟的通用汽车(GeneralMotors)大楼周围。

    Over the next few months a striking piece of symbolism will take place around the mighty General Motors building on Fifth Avenue in New York .

  9. 答:它的灵感来自于19世纪与20世纪之交的纽约私人俱乐部、第五大道上的镀金时代大厦,以及斯坦福·怀特(StanfordWhite)的建筑杰作。

    A. It 's inspired by New York City 's turn-of-the-20th-century private clubs , Fifth Avenue 's Gilded Age mansions and Stanford White 's architectural masterpieces .

  10. 他在纽约第五大道(fifthavenue)有一套专门收集艺术品的复式公寓,在弗罗里达、瑞士以及纽约州北部均有豪宅。

    He has a duplex penthouse on Fifth Avenue filled with art , and houses in Florida , in Switzerland and in upstate New York .

  11. 演出还有15分钟就要开场的时候,博物馆外排起了长队,从门口的台阶开始,沿着第五大道(FifthAvenue)排了差不多一个街区那么长。

    Fifteen minutes before the scheduled start time , the line outside the museum extended down the entrance steps and a block or so up Fifth Avenue .

  12. 上周五,位于纽约第五大道的苹果(Apple)专卖店被无数玩家围得水泄不通,大家都在竞相购买iPad2。据店员估计,当天售出的iPad2中,有一半将会被带往海外,重新出售。

    The staff manning the huge crowd that mobbed Apple 's ( AAPL ) Fifth Avenue Store Friday estimate that as many as half the iPads sold that day were being bought for re-sale overseas .

  13. 97年前,一位年轻的法国艺术家穿过美国纽约市的曼哈顿,走进J•L•莫特铁制品厂(JLMottIronWorks)位于第五大道118号的一家销售店。

    Ninety-seven years ago , a young French artist walked across Manhattan into 118 Fifth Avenue , an outlet for J L Mott Iron Works .

  14. 后来萨克斯第五大道精品百货店(SaksFifthAvenue)给了曼哈顿旗舰店鞋履楼层一个专属的邮编(10022-SHOE)。

    Saks Fifth Avenue later gave its Manhattan flagship 's shoe floor a ZIP code ( 10022-SHOE ) .

  15. 第五大道也是零售专卖店的聚集地,比如FAO施瓦茨玩具主题店、NBA主题店和迪斯尼主题店。

    Fifth Avenue is also home to specialty retail shops such as the toy shop FAO Schwartz , the NBA Store and the Disney Store .

  16. 该品牌最近在纽约第五大道(FifthAvenue)一座通常不对公众开放的建筑物(罗伯逊拒绝透露具体地点)里,举办了一场晚宴。

    In New York , the brand recently hosted a dinner party at a Fifth Avenue property normally closed to the public ( and which Mr Robertson declines to identify ) .

  17. 自打那次“出师不利”后,优衣库在纽约第五大道(FifthAvenue)等黄金地段开设了国际旗舰店,并开始大肆宣传品牌,随后的“攻城略地”就变得一帆风顺。

    Since that false start , the going has been somewhat easier as Uniqlo has sought to glamorise its brand by opening flagship international stores in prime locations such as New York 's Fifth Avenue .

  18. 萨克斯第五大道精品百货店(SaksFifthAvenue)不再甘心于只为有强烈需求的客户服务,正在转型为价格更加高昂的精英购物场所。

    Saks Fifth Avenue , no longer willing to settle for the merely aspirational client , is making itself over as a far more expensive , elite place to shop .

  19. 据报道,黑客窃取了数百万在SaksFifthAvenue(萨克斯第五大道精品百货店)、SaksOff5th(萨克斯第五大道精品百货折扣店)和Lord&Taylor(罗德泰勒百货)等门店使用过借记卡或信用卡的顾客的信息。

    It is reported that hackers stole information from millions of customers who used debit or credit cards at Saks Fifth Avenue , Saks Off 5th and Lord & Taylor stores .

  20. 如今,比佛利山(BeverlyHills)的萨克斯第五大道(SaksFifthAvenue)店个人购物组的负责人安·菲茨帕特里克(AnnFitzpatrick)以堪比外科医生的精准度对她的衣柜进行清理。

    These days , Ann Fitzpatrick , director of the personal-shopping team at the Saks Fifth Avenue store in Beverly Hills , cleans out her closet with surgical precision .

  21. 萨克斯第五大道精品百货店与美国电话电报公司(AT&T)合作,在44家门店内安装了WiFi,他们更愿意提供这方面的信息。

    Saks Fifth Avenue , which has equipped its 44 stores with Wi-Fi in partnership with at & T ( T ) , was a little more forthcoming .

  22. 就在圣诞季之前,像塔吉特(Target)、彭尼公司(J.C.Penney)和萨克斯第五大道精品百货店(SaksFifthAvenue)这样的大型零售商在全店安装了免费的WiFi。

    Just before the holiday season , big retailers like target ( TGT ) , J.C. Penney ( JCP ) and Saks Fifth Avenue ( sks ) installed free Wi-Fi throughout their stores .

  23. 如今,比佛利山(BeverlyHills)的萨克斯第五大道(SaksFifthAvenue)店个人购物组的负责人安•菲茨帕特里克(AnnFitzpatrick)以堪比外科医生的精准度对她的衣柜进行清理。

    Identifying The Keepers In Your Closet These days , Ann Fitzpatrick , director of the personal-shopping team at the Saks Fifth Avenue store in Beverly Hills , cleans out her closet with surgical precision .

  24. 第五大道制作公司(Produccionesdela5taavenida)执行制作人克洛迪娅·卡尔维诺(ClaudiaCalvi)称她感到失望,因为迄今为止,美国人似乎无意于联合摄制电影。

    Claudia Calvi , executive producer at Producciones de la 5ta avenida , said she was disappointed that americans , so far , did not seem interested in co-productions .

  25. 最近几年,中国对珠宝、手表以及设计师产品的需求飙升,推动香港最知名购物街的门店租金直线上涨,超过了纽约第五大道(FifthAvenue)、巴黎香榭丽舍大街(Champs-Élysées)和伦敦邦德街(BondStreet)。

    Surging Chinese demand for jewellery , watches and designer goods sent rents in Hong Kong 's most famous shopping streets rocketing in recent years , overtaking New York 's Fifth Avenue , Paris 's Champs - É lys é es and London 's Bond Street .

  26. 纽约第五大道上的知名品牌蒂芙尼(TiffanyCo.,TIF)打算提升在海外、尤其是亚洲市场的吸引力。亚洲消费者对黄金和珠宝的需求似乎源源不断。

    A well-known fixture on New York 's Fifth Avenue , U.S. jewelry giant Tiffany Co. is aiming to improve its luster overseas and particularly in Asia , where demand for gold and gems appears to be insatiable .

  27. 纽约第五大道上的知名品牌蒂芙尼(Tiffany&Co.,TIF)打算提升在海外、尤其是亚洲市场的吸引力。亚洲消费者对黄金和珠宝的需求似乎源源不断。

    A well-known fixture on New York 's Fifth Avenue , U.S. jewelry giant Tiffany & Co. is aiming to improve its luster overseas and particularly in Asia , where demand for gold and gems appears to be insatiable .

  28. 蓝格咖啡馆坐落在第五大道727号四楼,新装修,奢侈品和配饰比比皆是,映入眼帘的第一件设计来自瑞德·克拉考夫(ReedKrakoff)。克拉考夫于一月上任蒂凡尼首席艺术总监。

    The Blue Box Caf é is tucked into the fourth floor at 727 Fifth Avenue , part of a wholly renovated space that showcases a luxury home and accessories collection , the first major project from Reed Krakoff , who became the company 's chief artistic officer in January .

  29. 优衣库美国首席运营官yasunobukyogoku表示,优衣库希望进入第五大道,因为“它是全球范围内一个标志性地段”。

    Yasunobu kyogoku , chief operating officer of UNIQLO in the US , said his company wanted to be there because " it is an iconic global location " .

  30. 但房地产经纪商高纬环球(Cushman&Wakefield)的数据显示,随着中国内地游客削减支出的行为开始冲击到门店租金,去年年底,香港铜锣湾将全球最昂贵零售街区的桂冠拱手让与纽约第五大道。

    But as lower Chinese spending started to hit rents , Hong Kong 's Causeway Bay lost its crown as the world 's most expensive retail district to Fifth Avenue at the end of last year , according to Cushman & Wakefield , a property agency .