
  • 网络Competitive Devaluation;competitive depreciation
  1. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)日前表示,有关竞争性贬值的怨言有些过头了。

    The International Monetary Fund said this week that complaints about competitive devaluation were overdone .

  2. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)日前表示,有关竞争性贬值的怨言有些“过头了”。

    The International Monetary Fund said this week that complaints about competitive devaluation were " overdone . "

  3. 正如英国央行(BoE)行长马克•卡尼(MarkCarney)上周末警告的那样,努力保护国内储户免受负利率的影响,只不过是搞竞争性贬值的另一种说法。

    And as Mark Carney , governor of the Bank of England , warned at the weekend , trying to insulate domestic savers from negative rates is just competitive devaluing by any other name .

  4. 会议公报呼吁由市场决定汇率的措辞,仅比G20上次的声明稍微强硬了一点,而要求各方避免竞争性贬值的说法,更是重复了去年4月伦敦G20峰会的论调。

    The communiqu é language calling for market-determined exchange rates was only hardened up slightly from previous G20 statements , while the reference to countries avoiding competitive devaluation repeated a statement made at the London G20 summit in April 2009 .

  5. 没有人会指责欧元区竞争性贬值。

    No one would accuse the eurozone of competitive devaluation .

  6. 这条道路的前方埋藏着竞争性贬值和贸易战。

    That way lies competitive devaluations and trade wars .

  7. 日本主要依靠竞争性贬值走出了严重衰退。

    No longer in major recession , its escape depends heavily on competitive devaluation .

  8. 我们再次承诺,将避免采取竞争性贬值和各种形式的保护主义。

    We reaffirm our commitment to refrain from competitive devaluations and all forms of protectionism .

  9. 此外,贸易领域带来了保护主义或竞争性贬值的全球风险。

    In addition , the trade area poses global risks of protectionism or competitive depreciation .

  10. 1931年9月英国脱离金本位时引发了一波竞争性贬值的热潮。

    When Britain abandoned gold in September 1931 , it unleashed a wave of competitive devaluations .

  11. 某些人把这种举动界定为竞争性贬值。

    Some labelled this competitive devaluation .

  12. 金融危机扩散中的示范效应和竞争性贬值效应分析

    An Analysis on the Effects of Demonstration and Rivalrous Devaluation in the contagion process of Financial Crisis

  13. 一旦出口低迷状况持续下去,协议签署国或许就更不愿意卷入竞争性贬值。

    Should the export slump continue , participants might be less inclined to engage in competitive devaluation .

  14. 能够通过竞争性贬值、扩大自己在全球需求中所占份额的国家,正试图这样做。

    Countries that can expand their share of global demand by competitive devaluations are seeking to do so .

  15. 无论如何,竞争性贬值是一种零和游戏,对提振全球经济毫无贡献。

    And competitive devaluation is anyway a zero sum game that does nothing to boost the global economy .

  16. 然而,一些专家从中看到了与大萧条时期的竞争性贬值和保护主义类似的苗头。

    Nevertheless , some experts see alarming parallels with the competitive devaluations and protectionism of the great depression .

  17. 但是,有如此庞大盈余的国家采取竞争性贬值手段,肯定是不对的。

    But it cannot be right for a country with such a huge surplus to resort to competitive devaluation .

  18. 有些国家的领导人可能会忍不住诱惑,通过本币竞争性贬值、出口补贴和行业纾困的方式来扶持本国经济。

    Some leaders may be tempted to help their economies by competitive devaluations , export subsidies or industrial bail-outs .

  19. 这股单边竞争性贬值的浪潮造成了一种恶性循环,从而导致了贸易与汇率保护主义。

    This wave of unilateral , competitive devaluations creates a vicious cycle that leads to trade and exchange rate protectionism .

  20. 因此在解决银行业危机的同时,欧元区成员国不必应对汇率危机和货币竞争性贬值。

    Eurozone members have thus been spared confronting a currency crisis and competitive devaluations as they resolve the banking crisis .

  21. 而布鲁塞尔坚决反对,担心这将引发汇率不稳定、银行破产和整个欧盟内部出现竞争性贬值。

    Brussels is firmly against , fearing that it would trigger currency instability , bank failures and competitive devaluations across the EU .

  22. 欧元区和日本尽管享受着大幅竞争性贬值的好处,但仍难以达到像样的增长率。

    The eurozone and Japan , despite enjoying the benefits of big competitive devaluations , are struggling to deliver half-decent growth rates .

  23. 到目前为止,国际货币体系没有采取竞争性贬值而度过了危机,我非常希望这种状况可以继续下去。

    Until now the international monetary system got through the crisis without competitive devaluations and I hope very much it stays that way .

  24. 这说明,美国和欧元区国家受到其它地区汇率干预和竞争性贬值的影响,没有多大的调整空间。

    This means that both the US and eurozone countries suffer from currency intervention and competitive devaluations elsewhere , with little room to adjust .

  25. 如果我们不能消除竞争性贬值和资本流动剧烈波动的危险,全球贸易就无法繁荣发展,长期投资也将受到妨碍。

    Global trade cannot prosper and long-term investments cannot be made if the dangers of competitive devaluations and the volatility of capital flows are not tackled .

  26. 在上世纪90年代晚期的亚洲金融危机中,中国顶住了一轮竞争性贬值压力,但这次中国可能扛不住了。

    During the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s , China resisted a round of competitive devaluation , but might not be able to this time .

  27. 他同时警惕要防范汇率政治化的风险,因为它可能会把世界带回到“竞争性贬值”的时代。

    He also warned against the risks of a politicisation of exchange rates , which could bring the world back to the era of " competitive devaluations " .

  28. 对中国来说,与其实施一次性的竞争性贬值以支持出口,不如缓慢升值以增加人民币作为价值储藏手段的吸引力。

    A one-time competitive devaluation to support exports is less attractive to the Chinese than the gradual appreciation that makes its currency attractive as a store of value .

  29. 这不仅促进了中国经济和金融的稳定,也避免了亚洲国家的竞争性贬值,防止了金融危机的进一步扩散。

    This not only promoted the Chinese economy and the financial stability , also has avoided the Asian country competitive depreciation , has prevented the financial crisis further proliferation .

  30. 2008年金融危机之后,日本领导人曾与其它方面一起发出警告,称那些受危机打击的经济体为扩大出口,有可能采取“竞争性贬值”。

    After the 2008 financial crisis , Japanese leaders were among those warning of the danger that battered economies might engage in " competitive devaluation " in an effort to boost exports .