
  • 网络Monetary Easing;Ease Monetary Policy;easy money
  1. 人们会呼吁日本央行(boj)采取补救行动,不过,央行已没有低风险的方式,来进一步放松银根。

    There will be calls for remedial action from the Bank of Japan , although it has no low-risk way to ease monetary policy much further .

  2. 购买国债计划是在利率接近于零的情况下,继续放松银根的一种方式。

    The plans are one way to ease monetary policy even when interest rates are close to zero .

  3. “美国放松银根对新兴市场构成了压力,”加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBCCapitalMarkets)新兴市场高级策略师奈吉尔•兰德尔(NigelRendell)表示。

    " The US fiscal loosening puts pressure on the emerging markets ," says Nigel Rendell , senior emerging markets strategist at RBC Capital Markets .

  4. 这是减轻过度放松银根压力的办法之一。

    That is one way to reduce the pressure for extreme monetary easing .

  5. 过度放松银根的代价有多大?

    What is the price of overdoing monetary easing ?

  6. 毫无疑问,当某国央行放松银根时,该国货币随即就会贬值。

    Of course , when a central bank eases its monetary stance , its currency weakens .

  7. 最后,如果在财政紧缩后经济有所衰落,放松银根会非常有效。

    Finally , should economies weaken after a fiscal tightening , monetary loosening would be highly effective .

  8. 放松银根减少对获得货币的限制政策,例如放松信贷限制。

    Monetary ease policy of reducing restrictions on the availability of money , e.g.by easing credit restrictions .

  9. 与全球其它地区一样,这种放松银根的做法迄今效果甚微。

    As elsewhere in the world , the impact of this easing has so far been minimal .

  10. 多数央行可能会选择放松银根以促进经济增长,即使日后可能造成通胀和资产泡沫。

    Most will probably plump for easier money and higher growth , even at the risk of future inflation and asset bubbles .

  11. 放松银根就能反通货紧缩吗?&由货币供给的完整性理论模型谈中国目前货币供给的决定因素

    Can Easy Money counter the Currency Deflation ? & To discuss the decisive factors of China 's money supple through the theory of completeness

  12. 正如美国投资者在过去5年里知道的那样,经济方面的坏消息对市场是利好,因为坏消息可以推动美联储放松银根。

    As US investors learnt over the past five years , bad economic news is good news for the market if it prompts monetary easing .

  13. 存款准备金率下调会放松银根,增加股票市场资金供给量,从而导致股票价格指数趋于上涨。

    Deposit reserve rate cut will ease monetary policy and increase the money supply of stock market , resulting in the rises of stock price .

  14. 联邦储备局放松银根的措施有效刺激消费信心,其成效更可能超越大部分人的预期。

    Monetary easing by the Federal Reserve Board has been effective , probably to an extent beyond the expectations of many , in boosting consumer confidence .

  15. 这意味着,一些国家的央行将继续放松银根,而一些国家将在较长时期内把利率保持在较低水平,同时放慢今后的紧缩步伐。

    This means some central banks will continue to ease policy , while some will keep rates lower longer and slow the pace of expected tightening .

  16. 巴克莱没有接收来自英国政府的任何股本,但放松银根和对金融体系的整体支持,让巴克莱资本获得了丰厚利润。

    Barclays did not take any equity from the UK government but BarCap profited enormously from monetary easing and the general propping-up of the financial system .

  17. 一些经济学家认为,这暗示着北京已经转向了一种“观望模式”,虽然不想继续收紧货币政策,但也不愿意立即放松银根。

    Economists said this change suggested that Beijing had shifted to a wait-and-see mode , unwilling to tighten monetary policy further but not yet ready to relax it either .

  18. 塞蒙斯说:我认为市场期待的是,对继续放松银根的坚定承诺。如果听不到这一承诺,他们会感到非常失望。

    I think what the market is looking for is a firm commitment to monetary easing going forward and without that they will be very disappointed , said Mr Semmens .

  19. 20世纪90年代以前日本的货币政策为传统的利率诱导型,90年代以后,为了克服经济萧条,日本银行采取了大幅度放松银根的政策。

    The monetary policy of Japan was the traditional type of interest rate inducement before 1990s , the Bank of Japan has adapted a policy to largely release money supply .

  20. 今年早些时候,人们曾希望中国有关部门能一方面放松银根、一方面宣布另一轮刺激计划,双管齐下,在抗衡周期性放缓的同时,还可提振股市。

    Hopes earlier in the year that the Chinese authorities would both relax monetary conditions and announce another round of stimulus to offset the cyclical slowdown , and that both actions would galvanise the stock market , have all but faded .

  21. 经济事务研究所的菲利普.布斯说,接受了政府注资的英国银行正在试图寻找平衡,在保留部分政府资金的同时,也在放松银根,帮助整体经济。

    Philip booth from the Institute of Economic Affairs says banks in Britain that have been recapitalized by the government are trying to strike a balance between retaining some of those funds while also loosening up lending to help the economy in general .

  22. 而在巴西,似乎央行屈从于政府压力,放松了银根。

    In Brazil , it looks as if the bank has yielded to pressure from the government to ease up .

  23. 他补充表示,在未来一年,央行将不放松也不收紧银根。

    He added that the central bank would neither loosen nor tighten money supply in the coming year .