
shù dí
  • clarinet;recorder
  1. Heckles在乐队演奏竖笛我也是。

    Chandler : Heckles played clarinet in band , and I played clarinet .

  2. 竖笛的声音轻悠悠地飘进我们的耳朵里。

    The sound of a clarinet floated gently into our ears .

  3. 漂流瓶里的那张字迹潦草的信是ZoeLemon写的,她是一个喜爱芭蕾、演奏竖笛和钢琴的女生,她当时刚刚上轮船要去德国度假。

    Inside the bottle was a scrawled letter from Zoe Lemon , a youngster with a love of ballet , playing the flute and the piano , who had just boarded a ferry bound for a holiday in Germany .

  4. 漂流瓶里的那张字迹潦草的信是ZoeLemon写的,她是一个喜爱“芭蕾、演奏竖笛和钢琴”的女生,她当时刚刚上轮船要去德国度假。

    Inside the bottle was a scrawled letter from Zoe Lemon , a youngster with a love of " ballet , playing the flute and the piano , " who had just boarded a ferry bound for a holiday in Germany .

  5. 吉他,竖笛,还有其他吵闹的乐器!

    A guitar , a clarinet and a noisy fourth instrument !

  6. 西番莲树的木材,用于制乐器,尤其是竖笛。

    Wood of the granadilla tree used for making musical instruments especially clarinets .

  7. 她起初吹竖笛,进而吹单簧管。

    She started off playing the recorder and then progressed to the clarinet .

  8. 上学时学过竖笛

    I learned the clarinet at school .

  9. 竖笛与学校音乐教育

    Upright Flute and Music Teaching in Schools

  10. 有一些零零碎碎的音乐器材,遮阳蓬就是把竖笛变卖得来的。

    There are bits and pieces of musical instruments & the awning came from clarinet values .

  11. 来自黄檀属树木的深红色硬木,用于制乐器,如竖笛。

    Dark red hardwood derived from the cocobolo and used in making musical instruments e.g. clarinets .

  12. 使劲吹,一只手指放在竖笛顶部最上的气孔处,让油进入笛子顶处。

    Blow hard , holding a finger over the labium to spread the oil in the headpiece .

  13. 让发丝随着簸谷的风轻飘;竖笛的声音轻悠悠地飘进我们的耳朵里。

    Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind ; The sound of a clarinet floated gently into our ears .

  14. 正当所有权之抗辩,合法所有人之抗辩直到1822年去巴黎之前,这个后来成为无可争辩的器乐大师的人还只会吹吹竖笛

    Until he went to Paris in 1822 this man who was to be the absolute master of instrumentation could only play the flageolet

  15. 轮到器乐演出了,咱们走上台去吹竖笛,曲目是《粉刷匠》、《牧童》、《春来了》。

    " Turn to instrumental performances , and we took to go blowing clarinet Units , tracks are " painting the Carpenter "," cowboy "," Spring has .

  16. 今天晚上竟然非要教我吹竖笛,并以学不会就不是好爸爸相要挟。

    Want to teach me how to blow a clarinet unexpectedly and not tonight , and with learn can 't isn 't good father to coerce mutually .

  17. 许多咏叹调包含独奏乐器部分,如直笛、双簧管、竖笛、提琴、曼陀铃可显示出女孩们的天赋范围。

    Many of the arias included parts by solo instruments : recorders , oboes , clarinets , viola d'amore , mandolins , that showcased the range of talents of the girls .

  18. 就象由许多不同乐器所组成的乐队,有一个物种演奏长笛部分,另一个物种演奏小提琴部分,还有其它物种演奏竖笛、小号、贝司、钢琴等等。

    Much like an orchestra of many variant instruments , one species plays the flute section , and the other the violins , others the clarinet , trumpet , base , piano and so one .

  19. 儿子近几天非常喜欢吹竖笛,原因就在于音乐老师表扬了他,说他吹一首曲子吹得很好。

    Son 's several days like to blow a clarinet very much , the reason lay in music a teacher to give public recognition him , saying he blows a song to blow very good .

  20. 在这里,街头音乐家正用吉他与他人交换乌得琴(一种东方弦乐器)和尼管(过去苦行僧吹奏的一种竖笛)。

    In Beyoglu , the hub of Istanbul 's alternative art scene , street musicians are trading in their guitars for ouds ( an oriental string instrument ) and the ney ( a flute traditionally played by dervishes ) .

  21. 在他的指点下,我已经能吹出音阶和几首简单的曲子了,心里还真有点成就感呢,学吹竖笛让我感慨颇多。

    Point out at him under , I have already can blow a scale and a few simple songs , the in the mind return true have a little achievement feeling , learn to blow a clarinet to let my regrets rather many .

  22. 竖笛具备了音色优美、简单易学、携带方便、价廉物美等特点,应该成为中小学音乐教育中培养学生演奏能力的首选乐器。

    Upright flute has exquisite timbre , is cheap and easy to learn and carry , so it should be chosen first as the instrument for students in primary and middle schools to develop their skill of playing instrument in their music teaching .