
shù lú
  • shaft furnace
竖炉[shù lú]
  1. BL法竖炉直接还原工艺

    BL Shaft Furnace Direct Reduction Process

  2. 实践证明:此工艺不仅技术上可行,而且CH4在竖炉里可以得到转化,完全可以生产出合格的海绵铁。

    It has been proved by practice : the process not only possesses possibility in technology , but also CH 4 can be inverted in shaft furnace , therefore , qualified sponge iron can be produced undoubtedly .

  3. PLC与上位机相结合的烧结竖炉模糊控制

    A Fuzzy Control System Based on the PLC 's Hardware for the Sintering Furnace

  4. 基于DSP的竖炉球团配料烧结控制系统浅析

    Control system analysis of mixture and burning of shaft furnace ball lump based on DSP

  5. 应用DCS系统实现球团竖炉自动配料控制

    Realizing Automatic Proportioning Control in Pellet Furnace by Applying DCS

  6. 本文介绍了烧结竖炉温度自适应模糊PID控制器的设计方法。

    This paper discusses the design method of the self-adaptive Fuzzy-PID controller for the sintering shaft furnace .

  7. DCS在球团竖炉中的应用

    Application of DCS System in Pellet Furnace

  8. 凌钢竖炉含MgO自熔性球团矿冶金性能的正交试验研究

    An orthogonal test study of Lingyuan ironworks MgO-CONTAINING self-fluxed pellet indurated in shaft furnace

  9. 采用OPC技术实现竖炉烧结DCS系统与VB软件的接口

    Implementation of the Interface about Upright Furnace Burning DCS System and VB Software with OPC Technology

  10. BL法煤气基竖炉直接还原工艺的开发

    Research and Development of Coal Gas Based BL Direct Reduction Process

  11. 自适应FUZZY-PID控制器在烧结竖炉温度控制中的应用

    Application of the self-adaptive Fuzzy-PID controller in the temperature controlling for the sintering shaft furnace

  12. 讨论了COREX竖炉还原过程中的重要工艺参数。

    The important parameters of COREX shaft reduction are discussed .

  13. BL法竖炉还原过程中球团内碳与硫元素含量的变化

    Change of Carbon and Sulfur Contents in the Pellets During Direct Reduction in BL Shaft Furnace

  14. 安钢100t手指式竖炉电弧炉生产实践

    Production practice on a 100t finger shaft furnace of Anyang Steel

  15. 添加OG泥对竖炉球团强度的影响

    Effect of og sludge on pellet compression strength

  16. 从系统结构、系统配置、重要控制项目及系统的联锁控制等方面介绍PLC在竖炉球团生产自控系统中的应用。

    This paper is on the structure , configuration and important control item of the PLC control system , which is used in auto-control system of the Shaft Furnace & Rotundity Plant .

  17. 根据活性石灰竖炉烟气的特点,对传动式电除尘器处理活性石灰竖炉烟气进行风量为1000m3/h的中间试验研究。

    A pilot test of treatment of flue gas from activated lime with rotating electrostatic precipitator ( ESP ) has been carried out .

  18. 用实验室还原装置和BL法试验竖炉研究了球团矿在不同还原气条件下的还原行为。

    The reduction behavior of pellets reduction by different reducing gases were studied in the laboratory and pilot shaft of BL DR process .

  19. 本文主要介绍安钢100t手指式竖炉电弧炉的设备;

    In this article we introduce the equipment of 100t Finger Shaft Furnace of Anyang Iron & Steel Co.

  20. 沙钢90t竖炉型电弧炉氧化渣热泼工艺应用

    Application of hot splashing process for oxidizing slag to a 90t shaft furnace EAF

  21. 在电弧炉炼钢领域,德国FUCHS公司开发的手指式竖炉电弧近年受到了普遍的重视。

    In recent years , finger shaft arc furnace developed by FUCHS got an important position in the field of arc furnace steelmaking .

  22. 对利用COREX炼铁煤气生产热压块的工艺能量利用进行了分析,指出了竖炉还原过程中的适宜条件和影响因素。

    The energy consumption of shaft production of HBI using COREX offgas , is analysed with presentation of suitable reduction conditions and influencing factors . Why Chinese ?

  23. 针对唐山建龙烧结厂竖炉球团添加OG泥后抗压强度出现的变化进行了研究。

    The change of pellet compression strength after OG sludge was added to pelletizing mix in shaft furnace pelletizing production in Jianlong Sintering Plant , Tangshan was researched .

  24. 对竖炉烧结DCS系统及OPC技术特点进行了介绍,并且结合实际的开发和应用,给出一种针对DCS系统使用VB的驱动程序的通用实现方法。

    This paper introduces the DCS system of upright furnace burning and the OPC technology criterion and characteristic , and based on the actual development and application , provides a kind of general driver aiming at a DCS with VB .

  25. 球团竖炉用Φ3M-13型煤气发生炉的改造

    Modification of φ 3m-13 gas generation furnace

  26. 利用现场检测和测定的各种参数,针对某厂4m×21m(直径×高)石灰竖炉的炉内过程进行了具体的数值仿真计算与优化,研究了各操作参数对石灰石煅烧过程的影响规律;

    The numerical simulation of the processes in a furnace has been carried on by making use of the parameters measured on the spot . The factors of limestone calcination have been studied .

  27. 为了实现竖炉烧结温度自动控制,作者结合神经网络和自适应控制的方法,提出单神经元自适应PID控制方案,并结合MCGS组态软件开发了控制器的驱动程序。

    To automatically control the temperature of the shaft furnace , in view of neural network and self - adaptive control , the control method of signal neuron self-adaptive PID is proposed . And the driver programs of the controller are designed with MCGS configuration software .

  28. 世界上占主导地位的气基竖炉直接还原工艺是Midrex法和HYL法,二者均对所用氧化球团的性能提出了严格要求。

    The dominant gas-based shaft furnace direct reduction process in the world includes Midrex and HYL , which both put forward strict requirements on the properties of oxidized pellets .

  29. 通过对珠钢150t竖炉的能量平衡分析,指出了实现快速冶炼的途径:使用替补能量、二次燃烧利用、超高功率电能、工艺优化等。

    By analyzing energy balance of the 150t shaft furnace at Zhujiang Steel , the way to realize short - melting including substituted energy utilization , post combustion , UHP electric energy and process optimizing is discussed .

  30. 研究了把COREX尾气改质成还原煤气,并采用竖炉法生产海绵铁的工艺流程以及该工艺对还原气和海绵铁质量的影响。

    An investigation was carried out on the DRI production route in shaft furnace by using COREX off gas modified into reducing gas , and the effect of the process on the composition of reducing gas and the quality of DRI as well .