
tóng guǎn yuè qì
  • Brass instrument;brass wind;brass-wind instrument
铜管乐器[tóng guǎn yuè qì]
  1. 铜管乐器家族中任何一种像喇叭带有筏的乐器。

    Any of a family of brass wind instruments that resemble a bugle with valves .

  2. 上低音乐器指音域类似男中音的铜管乐器声调比一般低音乐器或者低音域低一个八度。

    A brass wind instrument with a range similar to that of a baritone voice . pitched an octave below normal bass instrumental or vocal range .

  3. 乐队中有人能兼奏铜管乐器吗?

    Can any of the players double in brass ?

  4. 铜管乐器的声音太吵了。

    The brass is 〔 are 〕 too loud .

  5. 有西洋管弦乐队常见的弦乐器,木管和铜管乐器,还有打击乐器

    There are the usual strings , woodwinds , brasses and percussions of western orchestra .

  6. R03把木管乐器,铜管乐器和电吉他,以动态的,非常自然的方式显示出来,听起来就是一种欢乐。

    But the R03 presents instruments from woodwinds to brass to electric guitars in a very dynamic and natural way and is a joy to listen to .

  7. 军乐队通常使用铜管乐器、木管乐器和打击乐器演奏。

    Military bands usually play brass , woodwind and percussion instruments .

  8. 我认为这一段录音中铜管乐器部分太响了。

    I think the brass is too loud in this recording .

  9. 演奏铜管乐器、木管乐器和打击乐器的一组音乐家。

    A group of musicians playing brass and woodwind and percussion instruments .

  10. 他在管弦乐队的铜管乐器组演凑。

    He plays in the brass section of the orchestra .

  11. 爵士乐中的铜管乐器通常会和鼓以及弦乐器一起演奏。

    Jazz 's brass instruments are often played alongside drums and stringed instruments .

  12. 铜管乐器的喇叭铃。

    The flared bell of a brass musical instrument .

  13. 用铜管乐器演奏的简短欢快的曲调。

    A short lively tune played on brass instruments .

  14. 这里还有早期的铜管乐器和键盘乐器。

    There are also early brass and keyboard instruments .

  15. 我们乐队有几个全国最好的铜管乐器演奏家。

    Our band has some of the best brass players in the country .

  16. 小号和妖号是铜管乐器。

    The trumpet and trombone are brass instruments .

  17. (铜管乐器)具有活瓣。

    ( of brass instruments ) having valves .

  18. 您认识这件长形的铜管乐器吗?

    Do you know this long-shaped brass instrument ?

  19. 突出频率(11)铜管乐器吹嘴的最低共振频率。

    Popping frequency ( 11 ) The lowest resonance of a brass instrument mouthpiece .

  20. 知识管理-4也非常适合于低铜管乐器和低音吉他。

    The KM-4 is also well suited to low brass instruments and bass guitar .

  21. 铜管乐器演奏的呼吸技巧

    Skills of breath in playing brass instruments

  22. 有西洋管弦乐队常见的弦乐器,木管和铜管乐器,还有打击乐器。

    There are the usual string , woodwind , brass and percussion of Western orchestra .

  23. 前面有铜管乐器开路。

    A brass band precedes him .

  24. 正确的铜管乐器吹奏嘴型对掌握铜管乐器正确音色以及全方面的演奏技巧起着决定性的作用。

    The right mouth-shape plays a decisive role for the playing of brass band musical instruments .

  25. 摇摆爵士乐的特征是启用大型乐队,铜管乐器用得很多,以给人一种音浪的感觉。

    Swing was big-band music and used large brass sections to provide a tidal wave of sound .

  26. 科学家相信,刺耳的声音,例如铜管乐器声或管乐器演奏的巨大声响,

    Scientists believe that dissonant sounds , for example , brass or wind instruments played very loud ,

  27. 他们乐队有几个出色的铜管乐器手。

    Their band has some excellent brass players . To articulate notes on a brass or wind instrument .

  28. 低音大号:一种与大号相似却音调较低的铜管乐器;低音或最低音大号。

    Bombardon : a brass instrument resembling a tuba but with a lower pitch ; a bass or contrabass tuba .

  29. 它的兴起与发展和其它铜管乐器在西方音乐的发展历史上产生了深远的影响。

    With the rise of trombone and other brass did far-reaching significance in the development of history in western music .

  30. 他的音色华丽柔美,既能展现出铜管乐器的嘹亮高亢,又能展现出弦乐器优雅醇厚的音色。

    He is gentle , luxuriant sound can show a brass instruments , and the brilliant elegant mellow can show a stringed instruments of music .