
lì fǎ jī ɡuān
  • legislature;legislative body;legislative organization
  1. 呈交立法机关的提案内容包括成立两个专门审理暴力犯罪的特别法庭。

    The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes .

  2. 立法机关废除了不得人心的租借法案。

    The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act .

  3. 对于一个更加富有经验的被告来讲,律师可能会对DNA证据发动更多极其昂贵的挑战,对此,州立法机关很可能会以其他方式解决这一问题。

    As a more sophisticated defense bar mounts increasing numbers of expensive challenges to DNA evidence , it is likely that additional state legislatures will address this issue .

  4. 美国立法机关宣布了一项法案,执法机关需要获得法庭批准,才能从嫌疑人手机中获得gps数据。

    US lawmakers have announced a legislation for the first time that will require law enforcement to obtain a court warrant to get GPS data from a suspected cellphone .

  5. 我国1996年《合伙企业法》(草案)第八章规定了有限合伙(LimitedPartnership),但是经立法机关对该草案审议后,取消了整个第八章。

    The limited partnership abolished from the Partnership Law with the consideration by the legislative body was prescribed in the 8th chapter of the partnership law in 1996 for the draft of the law .

  6. 总理还告诉立法机关,政府将加快反腐步伐、两岸对话、教育改革并保持社会稳定。promptly['prɔmptli]adv.敏捷地,迅速地registered['redʒistə

    The premier also told the legislature that the government will step up efforts in fighting corruption , cross-Straits talks , educational reform , and maintaining social stability .

  7. SIPO的网站引用其主任田力普的话说,新专利法将在今年年底之前提交给立法机关进行批准。

    The website of SIPO quoted its head , Tian Lipu , as saying that the new patent law will be submitted to the legislature for approval before the end of the year .

  8. 由选举产生的立法机关与生命机体相关的环境。

    Elected legislature the environment as it relates to living organisms .

  9. 近代立法机关委员会产生的原因探讨

    Studies on the Reasons for the Emergence of Modern Legislation Committees

  10. 民众要求立法机关通过普选的方式选出。

    People have been demanding a legislature chosen by universal suffrage .

  11. 大多数州的政府,都是立法机关的产物。

    In most states city governments were creatures of the legislature .

  12. 未经立法机关撤销或修订不得更改。

    It remains fixed until repealed or amended by the Legislature .

  13. 法律是立法机关通过的一系列法规。

    It is a set of statutes passed by a legislature .

  14. 由两个立法机关组成。立式冷光两用手术灯

    Composed of two legislative bodies . vertical double-purpose cold light operating lamp

  15. 越南国会是越南最高权力机关和立法机关。

    The Vietnamese National Assembly is the highest power and law-making body .

  16. 立法机关通过了一项废除附加税的法令。

    The legislature passed a law to aBolish the surtax .

  17. 国会(立法机关,如美国国会)。

    Congress ( law-making body , eg of the USA )

  18. 中美地方立法机关预算监督比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Budget Supervision of Chinese and American Local Legislatures

  19. 作为立法机关的一员,伊丽莎白女王不能投票。

    Queen Elizabeth cannot vote because she is part of the legislature .

  20. 对立法机关而言,行政决策的立法还远没有提上议事日程。

    Administration law-making organization did not arrange the agenda of lawmaking yet .

  21. 首先,是立法机关和行政机关方面的问题。

    First , is the matter from the legislature and administrative organs .

  22. 立法机关成员投票反对此建议。

    Members of the legislature voted against the proposal .

  23. 美国国会中的低级立法机关。

    The lower legislative house of the US Congress .

  24. 美国五十个州里面有三十八个州的立法机关都要求批准这项修正案。

    Thirty-eight of the fifty state legislatures were required to approve the amendment .

  25. 立法机关建议停滞当前的会议。

    The legislature moved to prorogue the present session .

  26. 他是立法机关的杰出成员。

    He was an outstanding member of the legislature .

  27. 立法机关可能要向我们征收新税以满足额外开支。

    The legislature may impose fresh taxation on us to meet additional expenditure .

  28. 这些档案来自立法机关、行政机关和司法机关。

    The material comes from the legislative , executive , and judicial branches .

  29. 立法机关中议员们进行争论、投票和处理其他事务的地方。

    The legislative hall where members debate and vote and conduct other business .

  30. 行政和立法机关衷诚合作。

    Co-operation between the executive and the legislature .