
lì fānɡ lí mǐ
  • cubic centimeter;cc
  1. 描述了一种新颖的MEMS动力源概念,即微热光电(TPV)系统。该系统将使用氢气作为燃料,每立方厘米体积能够发出1~10W的电力。

    A novel power MEMS concept , a micro thermophotovoltaic ( TPV ) system , was first introduced , which use hydrogen as fuel and is capable of delivering 1 ~ 10 W electrical power in a package less than 1 cubic centimeter in volume .

  2. 发展前景难以估量每立方厘米DNA上可容纳的信息要比一万亿张光盘存储的容量还要多。

    Enormous potential DNA can hold more information in a cubic centimeter than a trillion CDs .

  3. 人脑每立方厘米有一亿多个细胞。

    Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter .

  4. 1美加仑等于3785立方厘米。

    A US gallon is equal to 3,785 cubic centimeters .

  5. 最后得出的单位是立方厘米。

    We ended up with units of cubic centimeters .

  6. 计算一立方厘米氢气中的原子数量。

    . calculate the number of atoms in a cubic centimeter of hydrogen .

  7. 科学家算出了每1立方厘米氧中原子的数量。

    The scientist calculated the number of atoms in a cubic centimeter of oxygen .

  8. 常见的体积单位是立方厘米。

    Common units of volume are cubic centimeter .

  9. 有一台体积为624立方厘米、35马力、汽油动力的引擎。

    It has a six hundred twenty-four cubic centimeter , thirty-five horsepower , gas-powered engine .

  10. 质量:密度为2.1克/立方厘米,密度随着添加量的增加而改变。

    WEIGHT : Density of 2.1 g / cm3 density can be varied by aggregate addition .

  11. 995克每立方厘米。

    995 grams per centimeters cubed .

  12. 田间土壤的容重常在1.0到1.4克/立方厘米范围内,且具有均匀的孔隙度和渗透性。

    Field soils often have bulk densities ranging from 1.0 to 1.4gcc ; with commensurate porosities and infiltration characteristics .

  13. 英国法定容积单位(液态或固态)等于液量盎司或(待查表)立方厘米。

    A British imperial capacity unit ( liquid or dry ) equal to 5 fluid ounces or 142.066 cubic centimeters .

  14. 细菌非常多,在一茶匙海水中间,每立方厘米就含有100-100万个细菌细胞。

    The bacteria is so abundant that just one spoonful of ocean water contains 100-1,000 , 000 bacteria cells per cubic centimeter .

  15. 有几千人只看了一眼带有一个642立方厘米引擎的朴实无华的纳驽车,就立刻表示想买。

    After a peek at the no-firills vehicle , with a 624 cubic centimeter engine , thousands say they want to buy it .

  16. 空气中负氧离子含量每立方厘米高达2500至5000个,比内陆城市高出50&100倍。

    The Negative ion Air oxygen content per cubic centimeters to 5000 to 2500 , higher than inland cities , 100 times more than 50 .

  17. 与此相伴随的是,由于文化与社会关系的重大改变,猿人的脑容量从500立方厘米逐渐增大到1400立方厘米以上,这使“猿人”获得了符号交往能力。

    At the same time , with the fundamental changes in the social and cultural relationships , the brain volume of bipedal apes increased eventually from 500 cubic mm to above 1,400 cubic mm .

  18. 探测器机器手臂在火星上挖掘了一立方厘米土壤并将其放入烤炉,在那里逐渐被加热到摄氏千度。在此基础上对土壤做出分析。

    The analysis is based on a cubic centimetre of soil scooped up by the lander 's robotic arm and introduced into one of its eight ovens , where it was gradually heated to1000C .

  19. 每立方厘米中累积污染物每增加3.49微克,脑白质就会减少6.23立方厘米,相当于大脑衰老一到两年。

    Each increase of 3.49 micrograms per cubic centimeter cumulative exposure to pollutants was associated with a 6.23 cubic centimeter decrease in white matter , the equivalent of one to two years of brain aging .

  20. 射线强度单位;在立方厘米干燥空气中产生静电单位的电流的致电离辐射量。干燥剂-干燥剂和防潮产品供应商。

    A unit of radiation exposure ; the dose of ionizing radiation that will produce 1 electrostatic unit of electricity in 1 cc of dry air . Desiccant - Desiccant and dehumidification supplier from China .

  21. 作为对宏/微技术的总结与应用,提出了一种新颖的集成式宏/微双重驱动柔性并联机器人系统,可在立方厘米级的工作空间内达到纳米级的运动精度。

    Finally , as conclusion of the dual systems , a novel flexible macro / micro dual parallel manipulator integrating 6-PSS and 6-SPS mechanism is given , whose accuracy achieves to nanometer scale in the cubic centimeter workspace .

  22. 那容器是如何浸入一种有精子自由游动的温暖的肉汤里的——他强调肉汤里的精子浓度至少是每立方厘米十万(同时他领着他们观看操作),

    how ( and he now took them to watch the operation ) this receptacle was immersed in a warm bouillon containing free-swimming spermatozoa - at a minimum concentration of one hundred thousand per cubic centimetre , he insisted ;

  23. 但是他们却有着潜在的联系:在他们的头颅中,都有那么几立方厘米,是真正属于自己的,而且要不惜一切代价,抵御外部世界的入侵。

    Yet there was an underlying common bond : that of the few cubic centimetres within the skull which were all that could ever be called one 's own , and which were to be defended at all costs against the ravages of the world .

  24. 答案是:一只小小的土拨鼠每天能嚼22.0859393立方英寸(361.9237001立方厘米)的木材!

    Answer : 22.0859393 cubic inches ( 361.9237001 cubic centimeters ) of wood per day . Yep .