- 网络Legislation;Forms of Legislation

And the agreement for promotion and protection of investment ( BIT ) is the most widely used form of bilateral investment legislation .
Reserch of the form on military judicial legislation in our country
On the Choice of Legislative Form of Business Law in China
Then , the article introduces two legislative forms of water-rights priorities order .
This is our first legislative form to the public trust and concepts .
The Preferential Tax Policy must be turned from policy aspect to legal aspect .
Quite a few countries have passed laws aiming at strengthening port construction and development .
Make use of legal method , to standardize the flowing of teachers through legislation .
Forms of legislation for African Customary Laws
In the form of thelegislation , the judicial explanation can be tried firstly in some courts .
Part 3 : a review of the outlook to our country economy crime future lawmaking form .
The people have the right to change their form of government by legal means defined in the Constitution itself .
The legislative form of resignation system in our country is the scattering , such legislative system displays its unavoidable weakness .
Standardization installation and control of outlet , the foundation of total amount control , need to be stipulated in laws .
The three protocol of Civil Code about the legislative form of stipulating-basic principles do not pay enough attention about this question .
National legislation is mandatory pension insurance premiums or tax collecting society , the formation of social pooling accounts and personal accounts .
Congress passed the original biodiesel tax incentive as part of legislation known as the American JOBS Creation Act of2004.At that time , the U.
It should clearly define the object connotation of the pledge of accounts receivable and extension by the form of legislation to prevent disputes .
Administration ethics norms and regulations are stipulated to direct and regulate the conducts of administration substance in ethics legislation form within the administrative management domain .
The aim of this article is to clarify the various formalities of the local legal system on edu-cation , and the relationship between their validities .
In the fourth section , jurisdiction of computer network crimes is studied and suggestion is made to set up a cross-provincial network police force by legislation .
Take such legislative form , having its deep social background , characteristic of legal language and reason of the result of social income of the legislation .
Furthermore , since the legislative mode of economic crimes is usually criminal group or example , the systematic method should be stressed when interpreting criminal law .
As one of special laws of criminal in Song Dynasty , severe law in special areas has its own features both in the form and content .
In terms legislation , the thesis proposes the adoption of international and domestic best practices , codification legislation and calls for flexibility in the legislative amendment procedures .
In China , this conception was first established in the Regulation on International Marine Transportation of the P.R.C. , which was implemented since January 1st , 2002 .
The question about the legislative form of basic principles in Civil Law is based on the question that the Civil Law should stipulate the basic principles or not .
The judge 's wages should be raised by legislation , and the wages can be increased but never allowed to be decreased when the judge is in his position .
Legislation formAs to legislative forms , Mainland contract law has an independent statute highlighted the importance and necessity of contract in commercial society , and is easy for application .
In a macro perspective , the paper will be focusing on the legislature model , background , framework , purpose , and scope of sports laws in both countries .