
  1. 论我国气象法的属性及气象资源

    On the Meteorological Law of Our Country and Meteorological Resources

  2. 从根本上说,中国古代的礼既有宗教属性,又有道德属性,还有法的属性和政治属性。

    The " ritual " of ancient China has essentially religious , moral , legal and political characteristics .

  3. 对广义双基点法的属性值的扰动范围对前人的结果进行了补充。

    The change ranges of attribute value in the generalized double base points method are improved in this paper .

  4. 从社会法的属性及其起源和发展历程来看,卫生法应属于社会法的范畴;

    Seen from the attribute , origin and development of social law , health law should be classified into social law .

  5. 进而对循环经济法制概念加以界定,分析循环经济法的属性,确立循环经济法在法律体系中的地位,这是本文的难点之一。

    The author analyzes the concept of the circular economy and the recycling - based society , then gives the definition of the legal system of the circular economy and holds the position of the circular economy law in the legal system .

  6. 军事刑法既有军事法的属性,是其他军事法律的最后保障法;也具有刑法的属性,是特别刑法。

    On one hand , Military Criminal law has attribute of military law which is the the security law of the other military law , on the other hand , it also has the attribute of the criminal law which is special criminal law .

  7. 本文认为,社会公共性是经济法的本质属性;

    Social commonality is the essential attribute of the economic law .

  8. 强制性是国际法的内在属性;

    Compulsion is the intrinsic attribute of international law .

  9. 基于层次分析法的路段属性求权方法

    A Way to Compute Weight of Road Attribute Based On the Analytic Hierarchy Process

  10. 公司法规范的属性与结构

    Attribute and Structure of Company Law Standard

  11. 本文以经济法的本质属性和价值目标为视角浅析可持续发展的核心思想。

    Based on the nature and value target of Economic , the article analyzed the core thinking of persistent development .

  12. 公司法规范的属性和结构问题,是公司法学重要的基本理论问题之一。

    Standard and attribute of the company law is one of the important elementary theory issues in company legal science .

  13. 科学地界定宪法的概念,必须揭示出宪法区别于其他部门法的本质属性。

    We must distinguish the constitution from the other laws in their substantial attribution so that we can define constitution scientifically .

  14. 摘要以法学基本理论为依据,采用比较研究的方法,辨析了国际法的基本属性。

    This thesis analyzes the basic attributes of iInternational law according to the basic theories of jurisprudence and by the comparative method .

  15. 阶级性不是法的唯一属性,以权利为核心重构现代法理念,将成为现代法理念的核心内容。

    The class character of law is not its unique and single attribute . Reconstruction of the concept of law with rights as the center shall be the core content of modern legal concept .

  16. 考虑到保险法的商法属性以及保险理赔过程中的成本问题,通过经济分析的方法揭示了多数保险制度设计中的经济理性。

    This paper reveals the economic reason of the design of most multiple insurance under the consideration of the attribute of the commercial law and the cost problem in the progress of the insurance claims .

  17. 文章分析了船员法的部门属性及其主要制度的特殊性,从而得出船员法为海上劳动法的结论。希望对以后我国船员法的立法工作起到理论上的指导作用。

    This article concludes that the crew law is the marine labor law through analyzing the crew law 's nature and its main systems , and will offer some guidance for the legislation of our country .

  18. 经济法的本质属性要求对弱势群体采取其特有的保护措施,平衡各种群体利益,实现强势群体和弱势群体的共生与共荣,最终实现社会整体利益。

    The intrinsic nature of economic law requires adopting its specific measures of protection for the vulnerable groups – in order to balance the interests of various groups , ensure their intergrowth and co-prosperity , and eventually benefit the whole of society .

  19. 消费者结社权性质上具有宪法和经济法的双重属性,对消费者保护发挥着调控、协调、保护和服务的功能,在消费者权利体系中具有基础地位。

    With the dual nature of economic law and constitution , Consumers ' right of association plays the functions just as control , coordination , protection and service in protecting consumers , which is on the basic position in the system of consumer rights .

  20. 值得注意的是,商事登记法的公法属性固然不能否认,但也绝不能过分予以强调,否则将可能导致严重的后果,特别是在市场经济发展的今天,我们更应该强调其私法功能。

    The public law attribute of commercial registration law can 't no doubt be denied , but we must not emphasize excessively either , otherwise it may cause the serious consequence . We should emphasize their private law functions even more in economic development of market .

  21. 在图的研究中,要用数学归纳法证明图的属性,就必须知道n阶图与n+1阶图的关系。

    In the study of graph , to use the mathematics inductive method proof the property of graph , we need to know the relation of the n order graph and the n + 1 order graph .

  22. 第五部分具体考察我国劳动合同法的社会法属性。

    The fifth part is specifically investigating Chinese labor contract law .

  23. 第四部分证成劳动合同法的社会法属性。

    The fourth part is proving the attribute of the labor contract law .

  24. 论反倾销国内法的经济法属性

    On the Attribute of the Domestic Antidumping Law

  25. 论税收程序法的法域属性及税收关系划分

    On Scope of Law Attribution of Taxation Procedures Law and Division of Taxation Relationship

  26. 论劳动法的社会法属性

    On the Attributes of the Labor Law as a Part of the Social Law

  27. 提出一种结合主观和客观信息的特征向量决策方法,给出了2种求解基于主客观特征向量法的模糊多属性决策方法。

    An eigenvector method integrated the subjective fuzzy preference matrix and objective information is proposed .

  28. 包括轨道交通法的经济法属性、轨道交通发展状况、轨道交通体制改革和轨道交通本身属性。

    That including the Law economical attribute , development condition , system reform , and the attribute of itself .

  29. 经济法的公私二重属性及其辨证关系&也论经济法部门的独立性

    The Private-public Duality of Economic Law and Its Dialectical Relationship & Also Discussion about the Independence of Economic Law Department

  30. 文章从法理、历史、现实和制度四个角度论证了劳动合同法的社会法属性。

    This paper demonstrates the attribute of the labor contract law which is social law from the jurisprudence , history , reality and institution .