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lì kè
  • immediately;at once;as soon as;instantly;right away;forthwith;directly;shortly;at a glance;right off the bat;now-now;in the turn of a hand
立刻 [lì kè]
  • [immediately;at once;right away] 马上;立即

  • 必须立刻写,否则就太晚了

立刻[lì kè]
  1. 他运气好,几乎立刻找到了工作。

    By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately .

  2. 把沙司浇在意大利面上就立刻上桌。

    Pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately .

  3. 校长进来时,所有的人都立刻站了起来。

    Everyone sprang to their feet when the principal walked in .

  4. 部长因议会危机立刻起程飞往德里。

    The minister air-dashed to Delhi because of the parliamentary crisis .

  5. 白宫立刻对这些传言予以否认。

    The White House was swift to deny the rumours .

  6. 他们起先气势汹汹,但一看情形不妙立刻软了下来。

    They make threats but back down at the first sniff of trouble .

  7. 你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻作出决定。

    You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately .

  8. 没有人强迫你立刻付款。

    You are under no compulsion to pay immediately .

  9. 她立刻同意了我的主意。

    She fell in with my idea at once .

  10. 她闭上眼,立刻就睡着了。

    She shut her eyes and fell asleep immediately .

  11. 我立刻对新老板产生了好感。

    I took to my new boss immediately .

  12. 她立刻就讨厌我。

    She took an instant dislike to me .

  13. 他的妻子立刻驳斥了他已逃到国外的谣言。

    Rumours that he had fled the country were promptly scotched by his wife .

  14. 消防队立刻赶到现场。

    Firefighters were on the scene immediately .

  15. 那艘救生艇被立刻放下了水。

    The lifeboat was launched immediately .

  16. 疼痛立刻减轻了。

    The pain immediately eased .

  17. 这幅画立刻就会出现,好像变魔术一般!

    The picture will now appear , as if by magic !

  18. 他立刻离开,回到汽车旅馆。

    He took off at once and headed back to the motel

  19. 一旦作出决定,事情就立刻顺理成章地发展下去了。

    Once the decision was made , things fell into place rapidly

  20. 她脸上的疤痕立刻引起了他们的注意。

    The scar on her face had immediately riveted their attention .

  21. 我立刻就想承认我错了。

    Right off I want to confess that I was wrong .

  22. 听到沙哑的录音,我立刻知道那是沃尔特·惠特曼。

    Listening to the scratchy recording , I recognized Walt Whitman immediately .

  23. 我感觉到一点儿轻微的碰撞,便立刻意识到发生了什么。

    I felt a little bump and I knew instantly what had happened

  24. 她一听到电话铃响就立刻来了精神。

    As soon as she heard the telephone ring her spirits lifted .

  25. 昨晚拜尔斯先生要求教育大臣立刻作出解释。

    Mr Byers last night demanded an immediate explanation from the Education Secretary

  26. 他得知要突击搜查,决定立刻逃走。

    He was told of the raid and decided to take flight immediately .

  27. 丘吉尔立刻开始实施一项大胆的计划。

    Churchill immediately set into motion a daring plan .

  28. 需要的是立刻采取行动,而不是说些华而不实的空话。

    What is required is immediate action , not rhetoric

  29. 她说她必须立刻跟你谈谈。

    She says she must speak with you at once

  30. 我建议我们全都立刻前往荷兰。

    I vote that we all go to Holland immediately