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xiù lì
  • beautiful;elegant;pretty;handsome
秀丽 [xiù lì]
  • [beautiful;handsome;elegant;pretty] 清秀优雅,美丽脱俗

  • 峭拔秀丽。--宋. 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

  • 小姑之秀丽

秀丽[xiù lì]
  1. 这个地区山峦低矮起伏,景色秀丽。

    The country , with its low , rolling hills was beautiful

  2. 这座城堡坐落于一片方圆25英亩、风景秀丽的土地上。

    The castle is set in 25 acres of beautiful grounds

  3. 那面孔秀丽的女子粲然一笑。

    The woman 's fragile face broke into a smile .

  4. 秀丽的风光令我深深地陶醉。

    The beauty of the landscape overwhelmed me .

  5. 行经了数百英里以后,即使秀丽风光也使我感到索然无味了。

    Even the impressive scenery began to pall on me after a few hundred miles .

  6. 南岛风光壮观秀丽。

    The scenery of South Island is on a grand scale .

  7. 这是美国风景非常秀丽的一个地区。

    This is an extremely scenic part of America .

  8. 萨尔茨堡是个风景非常秀丽的游览之地。

    Salzburg is an outstandingly beautiful place to visit

  9. 我绕行了几英里,想要经由那条风景秀丽的公路进入梅肯。

    I went some miles out of my way to take the scenic road into Macon .

  10. 她容貌秀丽。

    She had a beautiful face .

  11. 这姑娘生得十分秀丽。

    This girl is very pretty .

  12. 她面色秀丽。

    She has a pretty complexion .

  13. 这个岛的主要特色是风景秀丽。

    The island 's chief feature was its beauty .

  14. 她长得很秀丽。

    She is very pretty .

  15. 既有冰川,又有雨林和秀丽的山峰

    It has ice and snow glaciers , rainforests and beautiful mountains .

  16. 登山便可领略其云海(theseaofclouds)、奇松(wondrouspines)、怪石(uniquerocks)等秀丽的风景及清晨美丽的日出。注意1词数:80词左右。

    While you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds , wondrous pines and unique rocks around you .

  17. 据报道,箱包厂商新秀丽公司(SamsoniteCorporation)也在考虑在香港上市。

    Samsonite Corporation , the luggage company , is reportedly also considering listing shares in Hong Kong .

  18. GI联合企业集团主要的研发、生产基地位于中国风景秀丽的海滨城市&深圳。

    GI has set its base of R D and production facility in China 's scenic coastal city of Shenzhen .

  19. 秀丽莓(RubusamabilisFocke)镇咳祛痰作用初探

    Preliminary Study on Relieving Cough and Eliminating Phlegm of Rubus Amabilis Focke

  20. Caspase是与秀丽隐杆线虫死亡蛋白CED在基因序列和蛋白质结构上高度同源的一个蛋白家族,该家族蛋白是细胞凋亡执行的重要分子,直接参与凋亡启动、凋亡信号传递及凋亡效应过程。

    Caspase family is highly similar to the protein CED of Caenorhabditis elegans on gene sequence and protein structure .

  21. 全球销售额最大的行李制造商新秀丽国际有限公司(SamsoniteInternational,简称:新秀丽)说,该公司调查人员在中国网络上发现可疑产品后会充当买家。

    Samsonite International , the world 's largest luggage company by sales , says its investigators pose as buyers when they spot suspect products online in China .

  22. Act-1核心启动子转录的EGFP基因在秀丽隐杆线虫体内的表达

    Act-1 core promoter region introduces high-performance transcription of EGFP gene expressed in Caenorhabditis elegans

  23. 塔因瓦拉和新秀丽首席执行官蒂姆?帕克(TimParker)在一次采访中强调,中国仍是新秀丽非常重要的市场。

    In an interview , Tim Parker , Samsonite chief executive , and Mr Tainwala stress that China remains a very important market for the company .

  24. 周二,新秀丽公司(Samsonite)将在拉斯维加斯的旅行用品协会(TravelGoodsAssociation)展销会上推出新的GeoTrakR系列手提箱,它装备有LugLoc公司的手机操控行李追踪系统。

    On Tuesday , Samsonite will introduce a new line of GeoTrakR suitcases , containing a cellular-enabled baggage-tracking system from LugLoc , at the Travel Goods Association trade show in Las Vegas .

  25. Sox基因在脊椎动物中研究的较多,而无脊椎动物中,只在秀丽线虫和果蝇中报道过。

    The gene families were researched more in vertebrate . In invertebrate , the gene only been reported in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila .

  26. 常驻香港的新秀丽副总裁PaulMelkebeke说,调查人员会大量订货,以期在针对假货商的法律案件中将其用作证据。

    The investigators place a sizeable order in hopes of using the goods as evidence in a legal case against the counterfeiters , according to Paul Melkebeke , a Hong Kong-based vice president for the luggage firm .

  27. Caspases家族与秀丽隐杆线虫Ced-3蛋白具有相似的半胱天冬酶序列。

    Caspases are a family of cysteine requiring aspartate proteases with sequence similarity to Ced - 3 protein of Caenorhabditis elegans .

  28. 过去一年里,中国众多领域的商品都出现了购买增长大幅放缓的情况,从新秀丽(Samsonite)到苹果(Apple)等公司发布的中国销售数据都令人失望。

    Growth in purchases of a wide range of goods has slowed sharply over the past year , and companies ranging from Samsonite to Apple ( AAPL ) are reporting disappointing Chinese sales figures .

  29. 新秀丽Pro-DLX系列&全新休闲商务旅行之选

    Pro-DLX & Samsonite 's new collection that means casual business travel

  30. 不同浓度白藜芦醇均能延长野生型秀丽线虫(N2)的寿命,100μM与更高浓度之间无显著性差异,后续实验采用100μM为干预浓度。

    Dietary resveratrol with the different density extended life span of wild-type C. elegans . As there was no significant difference between 100 μ M and the higher density , all other experiments were performed with 100 μ M resveratrol .