- 名Turkic language subfamily

The paper discusses the etymology of B ε g / Beg on the basis of linguistics and the relationship between the officer system of Turk Language groups and political system in central plain .
The fourth chapter discusses its historical value through Turkic works .
One is the reconstruction based on Altaic languages , the other is based on turkic languages .
Uygur language belongs to the Altaic language and Turkic branch , however , Hui use Chinese .
A Probe in Linguistics on Space-time Idea : With an Example of the language of Turkic Language Group
In the paper , Salar words are analysed and compared with those in ancient and other modem Turkic languages .
During the process , materials of Turkic Languages and Manchu-Tungus Languages are widely applied as they are required by the study .
This dissertation may make comparative study of the ethnic groups of Turkic language family to seek the answers to the above .
The paper discussed the relationships of the first personal pronouns in three language groups of Ahai language family : Mongol group , Turki group and Manchu-Tungusic group .
With the language of Turkic language group as an example , it performances at below three aspects : a lot of words that mean time is explicated from the words that mean space .
The non-institutionalized control measures of Turkic tribe society are symbolic control , ceremonial control and conventional control . The non-institutionalized control is the embodiment of the value system of the tribe society , and exerts the functions of conformity and control of society .