
The paper applies the theory of spherical and spatial polygon to analyse the position problems ef 28 different kinds of 3R-3P robot manipulators or 4R-3 P spatial linkage mechanisms . It can control the computation process reasonably and effectively .
An approach to planar polygon recognition from single 2D perspective projections using the basic viewpoint invariant called Cross-Ratio is presented .
An algorithm in inside outside test for ray tracing is presented in this paper , including one dimension projection test method and polyhedron inside outside test based on right hand rule .
Recognition of Planar Polygons in Space Based on Perspective Projection Invariances
And car tracking is realized by a polygon fitting approach in three-parameter state space .
On the integral curvature of a curvilinear polygon
We give a algorithm for representing3D boundary curves by polygonal approximation Using Genetic Algorithms .
Based on the bidirectional mapping , an algorithm for mapping an image to an arbitrary polygon in 3D space is given .
The concept of reference plane is introduced with the model of normal vector sphere for 3D objects , the convex polygons in 3D space are divided into two parts by the reference plane and morphologic addition of each corresponding part is calculated .