- 网络to be taken on an empty stomach;be taken with an empty stomach;take medicine withempty stomach;taking medicine with empty stomach;take medicine with empty stomach;take before meals;take on an empty stomach;taking on empty stomach;administraction of the drug on an empty stomach

The medicine should be taken on an empty stomach .
Take first everyday the morning is hollow take spoonful , can add one week later to morning and evening each spoonful .
As a precaution against common cold , taking one spoonful of our factory 's cold-preventing syrup every morning Before Breakfast will Bring a noBle result .
Methods Plasma insulin and glucose concentrations were measured in fasting state and 1 hour and 2 hours after 75 glucose load in 181 subjects with NGT and 281 subjects with IGT .
Conclusion There was a difference between FPG and glucose level 2 hours after taking dextrose in the diagnosis of diabetes .
From the period to drugs , a dose of daily , three points take on an empty stomach , menstruation stop taking , three menstrual cycles for a period of treatment , a course of treatment .