
  • 网络Unique characteristics;unique trait
  1. 作为电视媒介独有特质集中体现的电视新闻现场直播具有深远意义。

    The television news live broadcast , as a unique particularity of TV media , has a profound significance .

  2. 展示广告模式诞生于平面媒体,随后被直接搬到互联网上,这种简单照搬手法不能充分利用智能手机的独有特质,例如地理位置信息以及触摸屏技术。

    That format originated in print and then to the web , and simply borrowing it does not take advantage of the unique attributes of a smartphone , such as location-based and touchscreen technologies .

  3. 其次,通过研究与马克思主义相关理论的继承关系以及与经典现代化理论的对立关系,找到中心&外围理论的独有特质。

    Secondly , the thesis analyzes the inherit relationship between the center-periphery theory and Marxist theory and the oppose relationship between the center-periphery theory and the Modernization Theory , in order to find the identity of the theory .

  4. 中国传统陶瓷捏塑作为一种艺术形态,在发展过程中显示出了自身所独有的特质。

    As an artistic form , traditional Chinese kneading ceramics art shows its own unique characteristics .

  5. 同时,由于文化利益独有的特质,在人们的经济和政治需要不能被满足的时候,文化利益的实现可以从中起到缓和与调节的功效,使得利益矛盾和冲突表现得不那么直接与激烈。

    Because of the particular features , it can adjust and relax the interests ' conflict when the economic and political interests are not satisfied .

  6. 制度企业家以其有别于企业家的独有的特质创新着企业家制度环境,两者互动促使企业制度不断完善,社会制度结构不断优化。

    Institutional enterprisers there are especial characteristic and differ from enterprisers to innovating the system surroundings . Both reciprocity promoting the enterprise system to perfection and optimizing the social system structure .

  7. 职业生涯管理的相关研究表明,职业生涯管理会对员工的心理以及行为产生积极的影响,特别是对于知识员工,由于他们自身独有的特质,比一般员工更加注重自己的职业发展。

    The relevant researches of career management indicate that career management will have a positive impact on the staffs psychology and behavior . Especially , knowledge workers , because of their own characteristics , pay more attention to their career development than the general staff .

  8. 考虑到艺术家在作画时,通常会选择一种素描纸,在素描纸上作画,有助于突显铅笔画独有的艺术特质。

    Taking into account the artists in painting , it is usually choose a sketch paper , drawing paper helping to enhance the unique pencil effects .

  9. 本文主要以当代乡土文学为研究中心,探讨当代乡土文学在历史嬗变进程中所独有的创作特质及其对应的真善美的价值诉求。

    This paper of the Research Center is contemporary native literature , on the creative qualities and value appeal of the contemporary native literature in the history of evolution .

  10. 一旦你上了某所学校,就会发现许多那所学校所独有的文化特质。然而,要想在你申请之前就发现这些方面的特质并非易事。

    Once you attend a school , you will discover the many unique aspects of that school 's culture , but it 's difficult to find out about these aspects before you apply .

  11. 本文通过对诸多素描风格的图像进行深入研究后,发现了素描画独有的艺术特质,在此基础上,提出了自己的想法,并通过计算机进行了模拟,得到了较好的实验效果。

    In this paper , study sketch-style images in-depth , found the sketch painting of unique art characteristics , on this basis , it puts forward own ideas , through computer simulation , experimental results have been good .