
kōnɡ yùn mào yì
  • Air freight trade;airborne trade
  1. 首先,随着海运贸易效率的提高,空运的贸易份额正在下降。

    For one thing , the airborne share of trade is declining as the efficiency of seaborne trade grows .

  2. 本附件适用于影响定期或不定期空运服务贸易及附属服务的措施。

    This Annex applies to measures affecting trade in air transport services , whether scheduled or non-scheduled , and ancillary services .

  3. 海运部,空运部,贸易一部,贸易二部,it部为广大客户服务。

    There are Sea Transportation Department , Air-express Department , Trade One Department , Trade Two Department , IT Department serving you .

  4. 空运行业在世界贸易量中占比极小,但集中于高价值、高时效性的零部件,如对于很多制造工序十分关键的微处理器。

    The sector carries only tiny quantities of world trade but concentrates on high-value , time-critical parts such as microprocessors that are vital to many manufacturing processes .