- short position;bear;short-seller;phony;nominal;oversold position;bear on the stock exchange;shorts,short-seller on the stock exchange

(1) [short position]∶商人刚做了卖空的买卖而未及时补进时的处境
(2) [bear on the stock exchange]∶对商品交易所或证券交易所的价格看跌而卖出期货或证券的人
(3) [shorts,short-seller on the stock exchange]∶在商品交易所或证券交易所卖出的期货或证券多于他实有数量的人
[nominal;phony] 有名无实;名不副实
But because they are freely tradable , they can be used to mount bear raids ; in addition to insurance they also provide a licence to kill .
But in the bear market , the CPPI and TIPI tactics is effective , the CM tactics is noneffective .
That investor was John Bird , who has been especially vocal about his short positions .
Similarly , long / short equity ( or equity hedge ) funds are supposed to combine long holdings of equities with short sales of stocks or options .
Stripped of his main reason for being , chairman Stephen Green became a minister without portfolio ; a book tour here , an honorary doctorate there .
When gold price goes up , long position of Au ( T + D ) contract encounters profit and short position encounters loss .
Record launched an EM Currency Fund , which holds long positions in 13 emerging currencies and shorts in four developed world ones , in December to benefit from this trend .
The SEC also announced Monday that it had delegated to the stock exchanges the decision about which company makes the no-shorting list .
Penalties for the recalcitrant will include warnings and deposits of up to 0.2 % of GDP into , first , interest-bearing accounts , and then into non-interest bearing ones .
The worst record was for China long / short funds which dropped more than 17 per cent in the period , while the MSCI China Index was down more than 20 per cent .
On Friday the financial services authority made a surprise announcement that short sellers would have to disclose short positions in stocks undergoing rights issues if they amounted to more than 0.25 per cent of the total shares outstanding .
That investor was Paulson but both Goldman and ACA made investments alongside IKB that lost money .
In the second half of 2011 , investment-grade companies such as American Airlines went into bankruptcy , benefiting the short legs of the JPMorgan trades , specifically designed to profit from idiosyncratic failures .
Other winners included " The Danish Girl , " " The Big Short , " " Bridge of Spies , " " Ex Machina " and " Inside Out . "
Michael Lewis , who wrote about them in The Big Short , described how they confirmed their hunch about the looming mortgage crisis in 2007 by flying to a glitzy subprime conference in Las Vegas .
The $ 15 billion GAM Unconstrained Bond Strategy was up about 0.5 % for the year , in part thanks to a small short position using Treasury futures and swaps .
Monday 's rules : Hedge funds still must disclose their positions to the SEC , but the SEC will not make the trades public until two weeks later .
All these inverse ETFs are structured around a very simple idea : they use futures instead of short positions in stocks .
Short positions on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , often used as a proxy for hedge fund activity , hit record levels in October .
That happened after the next speaker , David Einhorn of greenlight capital , a hedge fund famous for taking very large short positions , said grundlach was flat wrong .
Shares in Sino-forest have plunged since June , when research group muddy waters , which had a short position on Sino-forest stock , issued a report that alleged the company was a fraud .
Over the next three quarters , as banks such as Lehman and Citigroup doubled up on their mortgage bets , Goldman accumulated a small short position on the mortgage market .
Just this week , ETF Securities , the exchange-traded fund ( ETF ) provider , introduced two new emerging markets currency ETFs offering long and short exposure to the rmb .
That view is , however , not shared by Lehman , whose ability to withstand bear raids relies on the fact that the Fed window ensures it will not end up like Bear Stearns .
Chaos Ternary Futures , a unit of fund Shanghai Chaos , has built up its short position in the most traded copper futures contract expiring in May , according to data from the exchange , adding 1,242 lots on Monday .
Though investors were unaware of Morgan Stanley 's short position in the Jackson deal , the transaction differed from Abacus markedly because it did not involve a third-party selection agent .
At one end of the spectrum Goldman Sachs sails sublimely on , churning out ever-improving earnings figures while offsetting losses on its exposure to the subprime market with vast profits on short positions in mortgages .
Bets on further dollar weakness short dollar positions were at their highest level since June 2008 , according to positioning data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , going into the jobs report .
With that said , a better than expected CPI reading would trigger another short-covering rally , which has the potential to fuel a run above key resistant at the area of the20-day moving average .
It suggests that one way to curb speculation in CDSs would be to ban so-called naked swaps . An alternative would require big market participants to reveal their short positions to their regulator and make them subject to position limits .