
  1. 该公司从今年1月开始在离岸人民币市场建立了空头仓位。

    Omni took short positions in the offshore renminbi ( CNH ) market starting in January .

  2. 在率先解除禁令的国家美国,必须向市场监管机构披露空头仓位的情况。

    In the US , the first to drop its ban , short positions must be disclosed to the market watchdog .

  3. 英国、法国和西班牙要求公开披露大笔空头仓位,这使得一些对冲基金在建立仓位前不得不三思。

    The UK , France and Spain demand public disclosure of big short positions , making some hedge funds think twice before taking positions .

  4. 上周的卖家就是本周的买家,最近几周,他们回补了空头仓位以后又要去再次买入多头仓位。

    Last week 's sellers are this week 's buyers , covering shorts and scrambling to replace the long positions they were talked out of during recent weeks .

  5. 这一快速转变也表明,卖空操作的中坚力量对冲基金与其它投资者一样,深受上月市场动荡的冲击,且没有预先布置空头仓位。

    The fast turnround also suggests that the hedge funds who make up the bulk of the short selling world were as caught out as other investors by the turmoil of the past month and had not pre-placed short positions .