
  1. 在中国传统绘画中,构图、布局不拘于特定时间与空间、散点透视法以及移步换景对DV的动态拍摄有着指导意义。

    Chinese traditional way of Composting a picture , perspective , changing sight and unlimited time and space have instructional meaning on shooting .

  2. 唐代工笔仕女画采用散点构图的方式,观者可以移步换景。

    Ladies Tang Dynasty painting draws by way of scattered perspective , so the viewer can view the venue and change .

  3. 酒店处于群山环抱之中,空气清新怡人,处处鸟语花香,四季如春,移步换景。

    Surrounded by hills , the hotel feasts on fresh and pleasant air , bird chirps , flower fragrance , a weather that is like spring all the year round , and picturesque sceneries everywhere .