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yí xǐ
  • emigrate;move;remove;resettle
移徙 [yí xǐ]
  • [move;remove] 迁移;转移

  • 游牧民族到处移徙

  1. 在国际移徙组织任职之前,Ndiaye女士曾任塞内加尔社会发展部长以及妇女、儿童和家庭事务部长。

    Prior to her appointment at the IOM , Mrs Ndiaye served as Minister for Social Development and Minister for Women 's , Children 's and Family Affairs in Senegal .

  2. 国际移徙中女性人数日增问题联合国专家组会议

    United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the Feminization of International Migration

  3. 大多数青年移徙者努力谋生和改善生活条件。

    Most work hard to earn a living and improve their circumstances .

  4. 北美和中美洲国际移徙问题区域会议

    Regional Conference on International Migration in North and Central America

  5. 创建荒野:印第安人的移徙与美国国家公园

    Creating Wilderness : Indian Removal and America 's National Parks

  6. 关于合法移徙临时就业以配合国外投资的国际协定;

    International agreement on legal migration for temporary employment coupled by foreign investment ;

  7. 国际移徙统计订正建议草稿

    Revised Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration , Draft

  8. 劳工组织未来在移徙领域的活动问题三方专家会

    Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Future ILO Activities in the Field of Migration

  9. 我敦促会员国审议青年移徙问题。

    I urge Member States to consider youth migration .

  10. 巴尔干土耳其人联合会和移徙者协会;

    Federation of Balkan Turks and Association for emigrees ;

  11. 青年移徙的原因是多方面的。

    The reasons young people migrate are many .

  12. 卫生人员的移徙给所有国家都造成了这样或那样的影响。

    The migration of health workers affects all countries in one way or another .

  13. 移徙固然有很多好处,但也给家庭成员造成沉重的负担。

    Despite its many benefits , migration also places heavy burdens on family members .

  14. 国际劳工大会移徙工人委员会

    Committee on Migrant Workers , International Labour Conference

  15. 家长移徙是为了改善子女和其他亲属的生活福祉。

    Parents migrate to improve the well-being of their children and other extended family members .

  16. 今年国际青年日纪念活动的重点是青年移徙问题。

    This years observance of International Youth Day focuses on the issue of youth migration .

  17. 拉丁美洲国际移徙调查

    Investigation of International Migration in Latin America

  18. 区域外人口移徙型态火和烟迁移的区域模型

    Extra-regional migration patterns FAST zone model

  19. 欧洲移徙问题研究组

    Research Group for European Migration Problems

  20. 强迫移徙问题区域协会;

    Regional Association on forced migration ;

  21. 欧洲、北美、澳大利亚庇护、难民和移徙政策政府间协商

    Intergovernmental Consultations on Asylum , Refugee and Migration Policies in Europe , North America and Australia

  22. 国际移徙政策发展中心

    International Centre for Migration Policy Development

  23. 移徙情况连续报告制度

    Continuous Reporting System on Migration

  24. 我们还将召开关于残疾人和移徙问题的大会重要高级别会议。

    There will be important high-level meetings of the General Assembly on people with disabilities and migration .

  25. 卫生人员移徙政策倡议还帮助世界卫生组织制订、谈判和实施国际执业准则草案。

    HWMI also supports the WHO in development , negotiation and implementation of the draft code of practice .

  26. 关于恶劣条件下的移徙和促进移徙工人机会和待遇平等公约

    Convention concerning Migrations in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers

  27. 当青年移徙者返回家园后,往往会运用在国外获得的技能和观念促进发展。

    When they return home , young migrants often enhance development by applying skills and ideas acquired abroad .

  28. 此外,许多妇女能通过移徙赢得经济和社会独立。

    And , in many cases , women are empowered through migration as they gain financial and social independence .

  29. 一些人只身移徙,另一些人与父母、兄弟姐妹甚至自己的子女等家人一起移徙。

    Some are alone , others part of a family with parents , siblings and even children of their own .

  30. 今年10月,联合国大会将主办第二次国际移徙与发展高级别对话。

    In October , the United Nations General Assembly will host the second High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development .