
  • 网络COCHIN;Kochi;Kochin
  1. 他说,科钦机场为日后的项目提供了一个很好的模板。

    Cochin airport provides a good template for future projects , he says .

  2. 一到科钦,马上就能看出这个机场的与众不同。

    Immediately on arrival at Cochin , it is clear that this airport is different .

  3. 科钦机场如今的利润极其丰厚。

    It is now highly profitable .

  4. 这名男婴出生在捷特航空一班从沙特阿拉伯达曼飞往印度科钦的客机上。

    The baby boy was born on a Jet Airways flight travelling from Dammam in Saudi Arabia to Kochi .

  5. 麦奎因的时装秀在式样上不像古姿那么咄咄逼人,其灵感来自他穿越印度的旅行,他从科钦的热带死水水域,一直走到了乌代浦和加德满都。

    Less aggressive than Gucci 's in its styling , the show was inspired by McQueen 's voyage across India , from tropical Cochin backwaters to Udaipur and Kathmandu .

  6. 这家饭店在科钦蛮受欢迎的,在路边放了台冰箱,现在正鼓励客人还有社区居民把剩菜放入冰箱里供饿肚皮的人们取用。

    Instead Pappadavada , a popular restaurant in Kochi , is urging customers and the community to put their leftover food in a refrigerator located outside of the eatery for the hungry to take . ‌