
  • 网络The Times of India;Toi;India Times;Hindustan Times
  1. 《印度时报》援引阿努普·萨霍的话称:“他是一个清洁工,并且似乎长期酗酒。”

    The Times of India quoted Anup Sahoo as saying , " He works as a sweeper and seems to be habitual . "

  2. 据《印度时报》报道,机长按规定可以进行小憩,在他休息期间,副机师应确保飞机的平稳飞行。

    According to The Times of India newspaper , the co-pilot was supposed to ensure the aircraft remained steady while the commander took a permitted rest .

  3. 在《印度时报》(TimesofIndia)上刊登的《花生》漫画中,史奴比就曾经是灰色的。

    The Times of India printed the Peanuts strip with the dog Snoopy painted brown .

  4. 《印度时报》(TheTimesofIndia)对电力部长维拉帕•莫伊利进行的采访报道完美地反映了这种情形。

    The times of India captured the situation perfectly in a report on power minister Veerappa Moily .

  5. 印度时报,请查下ip,好多外国网特假装本国人。

    Toi , please check IP , some donkeys from other country dress like us and brays their mother tongue .

  6. 总理办公室发布了一份审计长的信函,对报告草案被泄露给《印度时报》(TheTimesofIndia)而引起的巨大尴尬和怆痛表示遗憾。

    It also released a letter from the auditor-general expressing regret that the leak of the draft report to The Times of India had caused great embarrassment and deep anguish .

  7. “当我坐在床上想休息一下的时候,它垮了。”Kumar的这段话被印度时报引用。

    " When I sat down on my bed to take a rest , it collapsed ," Kumar was quoted as saying by the Times of India newspaper .

  8. 《印度时报》你真的真的特别希望印度和中国打起来,哈?

    TOI , you really really want India China to fight , right ?

  9. 《印度时报》记者:近年来,我们看到印中关系出现了极大的改善和发展。

    Times of India : India-China relationship has improved a lot in recent years .

  10. 《印度时报》报道,印度一位94岁的老人宣称他成为该国最高龄得子的人。

    A94-year-old Indian man claims he has become the country 's oldest father , the Times of India reports .

  11. 这种通过未经证实的报道来炒作是印度时报一贯的作风。

    That , s the usual way to sensationalise an unverified report as is always the case in TOI .

  12. 《印度时报》没有公开该男子的身份,或许是医院也要保护病人的隐私。

    The newspaper did not disclose the identity of the man or the hospital to protect the patient 's privacy .

  13. 据《印度时报》报道,这起事件于6月28日发生在距这名女性所住的村庄约3公里外的地方。

    The incident occurred about 3 km from the woman 's village on June 28 , the Times of India reported .

  14. 据《印度时报》消息,一名印度男子16日在使用诺基亚手机进行通话时,手机突然在其面部发生爆炸,造成其当场死亡。

    An Indian man was killed when his Nokia handset exploded in his face , according to the Times of India .

  15. 《印度时报》称机组人员抱怨睡眠不足,因为旅馆太吵了。

    The times of India said the flight and cabin crew complained of not getting enough rest as their hotel was too noisy .

  16. 本文结合文本分析、内容分析和话语分析来研究《印度时报》2008和2009近两年的涉华报道。

    Combined with content , text and discourse analysis , the thesis studies China-related reports in 2008 and 2009 in The Times of India .

  17. 这场里程碑意义的事件“不值得高兴而令人担忧”,卫生部部长古拉姆•纳比接受印度时报采访称。

    The milestone is " not a matter of joy but a great worry ," health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad told The Times of India .

  18. 根据印度时报的报道,疫苗制造商告诉卫生部说,印度国产疫苗到9月底就能完成。

    India 's homegrown vaccine should be ready by the end of September , manufacturers have told the health ministry , according to the Times of India .

  19. 根据《印度时报》的报道,这个消息让新娘的家人暴怒,因为在印度,临时取消婚礼会影响女孩的名声和前途。

    According to the Times of India , the bride 's family went into a frenzy , as a stopped marriage would affect the girl 's future .

  20. 所以我翻了翻印度时报,发现印度总理那时候正好在我的家乡,班加罗尔访问。

    So I was flipping through the pages of the Times of India when I saw that the Prime Minister of Indiawas visiting my home town , Bangalore .

  21. 我不认为印度时报能在推进这事上有所作为,所以亲爱的读者们还是我们自己想办法打击腐败吧!冲啊,印度万岁!

    I don , t think TOI will help , so dear readers let , s fight the corruption ourselves in whatever way we can * Jai Hind !

  22. 《印度时报》报道称,“几乎每家每户……有一些囚犯因感冒发烧病倒了,每个办公室都在为职员的缺席而哀叹。

    The Times of India reported that " Nearly every house ... has some of its inmates down with ( influenza ) fever and every office is bewailing the absence of clerks . "

  23. 据《印度时报》28日报道,美国一名35岁男子一周前在哈佛大学附近开枪自尽,并留下了一份他写了5年的长达1905页的“电子遗书”。

    A35-year-old man , who shot himself near Harvard University a week ago , has left behind a1905-page suicide note , an online document he had been working on for the last five years .

  24. 在星期一印度时报报道,中国也已经同地区国家像是缅甸、孟加拉、斯里兰卡、马尔代夫、塞锡尔群岛、毛里求斯和马达加斯加等缔结广泛的海运联系。

    China has also forged extensive maritime links with regional countries such as Myanmar , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , Maldives , Seychelles , Mauritius and Madagascar , The Times of India reported Monday .

  25. 据《印度时报》6月28日报道,英国妇女瓦莱丽通过与丈夫戴维•斯图尔特再次举办婚礼的方式,成功帮助患有失忆症的戴维找回了失去26年之久的记忆。

    According to the Times of India , on June 28 , accident victim David Stuart 's memory was regained 26 years later after wife Valerie re-created her wedding day to make her husband remember everything 。

  26. 当回答印度时报记者关于中国与比哈尔邦合作的实质时,张炎说,因为中国将比哈尔邦视作为一个快速发展的经济体,使得共同努力拓展合作成为可能。

    To a query by TOI about the nature of cooperation between China and Bihar , Yan said since China saw Bihar as a fast developing economy , there could be joint efforts to expand cooperation .

  27. 《印度时报》8月8日报道,一位88岁高龄的印度农夫近日做了爸爸,妻子为他产下一个男孩,而这位老汉每天都有性生活,他希望再得到更多的孩子。

    NEW DELHI ( Reuters ) - An88-year-old Indian farmer , who has never heard of Viagra , became the father of a baby boy and has sex daily and wants more kids , The Times of India reported Tuesday .

  28. 之后,医生要求将他的尸体送到特鲁瓦纳马莱政府医学院以验尸,不过,据《印度时报》报道,他的尸体、以及负责运输的那个人,竟然双双失踪了。

    Medics ordered his body to be sent to the Tiruvannamalai Government Medical College Hospital for post-mortem but , according to the Times of India , the cadaver , and the person charged with transporting it , have both gone missing .

  29. 在印度斯坦时报的大会上,爱莎集团的董事ShashiRuia在钢铁产量,汽车产量和贸易方面对两国进行了比较。

    At a Hindustan Times conference on India , Shashi Ruia , chairman of Essar Group , compared the two countries on steel production , car production and trade .

  30. 数十万美元的年金每个月都会被存入已往生者的银行帐户中,印度斯坦时报说。

    Tens of thousands of dollars worth of pensions were being deposited monthly into bank accounts of the deceased , The Hindustan Times said .