
  • 网络scientific prediction;scientific prevision;academic discount
  1. 马克思关于科技进步对生产劳动影响的系统论述和科学预见,至今仍有重要的现实意义。

    Karl Marx 's systematic analysis and scientific prediction concerning the impact of scientific and technological progress on production and labor still have great significance for reality .

  2. 从马克思主义认识论立场出发,进行科学预见的一般原则应为:预见理论必须做到经验与理论的统一、个性与共性的统一、本质与现象的统一。

    On the base of Marxism epistemology , the thesis claims that scientific prediction theory must be united in three aspects : the experiment and the theory , the individuality and the generality , the essence and the phenomenon . That establishes the general principle in scientific prediction theory .

  3. 科学预见与金融热点的关系;

    The relationship between scientific foresight and banking focus ;

  4. 大庆、胜利、大港等油田的相继发现证实了李四光的科学预见。

    The continuous development of Daqing oilfield , Shengli oilfield and Dagang oilfield proved that Li Siguang was really far-sighted in science .

  5. 具有科学的预见性、广泛的人民性、反腐的彻底性、廉政的自律性、方法的灵活性等基本特点。

    The scientific predictability , extensive people character , thoroughness of corruption , independent self-discipline and method flexibility are basic features .

  6. 他的很多理论观点具有科学的预见性,对于我们今天建设有中国特色社会主义道路仍具有一定的参考价值。

    His many theory viewpoint has the science foresight . Today There is certain reference value to construct the Chinese characteristic socialist road .

  7. 他们指出了全球化对资本主义发展的推动作用,并科学的预见了资本主义在全球化背景下的发展规律。

    They have pointed out the impetus to capitalist development of globalization , and the scientific prediction of capitalist rule of development under the globalization background .

  8. 预测活动是现代人类活动的基础,科学地预见未来与人类的命运休戚相关。

    The activity of prediction , which scientifically discovers the close relationship between the future and human destiny , is the foundation of the modern human activity .

  9. 马克思还科学地预见了在未来公有制社会中,人们将通过直接的自觉的控制和预先制定的计划来实现社会总劳动的按比例分配。

    He made the scientific prediction that in the future society of public ownership , people would realize proportional distribution of the total amount of labor by means of direct control and planning in advance .

  10. 利用这一研究成果,将提高植物检疫决策的科学性和预见性。

    It increased the science and prediction of phytosanitary decision .

  11. 这样就有了明确的育种路线,并能提高多目标育种决策的科学性和预见性。

    So we get a clear breeding course and improve the science forecast by the decision-making of multi-aim breeding .

  12. 现代科技的发展迫切地提出了对科学技术伦理预见的必要性;

    The necessity of ethic foresight for science and technology has been urgently put forward by the development of modern science and technology .

  13. 目前,观光果园都围绕着观光果园中的单个方面、单个案例来研究观光果园的建设,从而降低了观光果园建设的科学性,预见性和完整性。

    At present , the scientific , predictability and integrity Sightseeing Orchards ' building is reduced , because the building of Sightseeing Orchard is always researched in one aspect or individual case .

  14. 为了更加准确地制定工艺方案,实现生产工艺的一次成型,使电磁泵设备能够更加充分的发挥其优势,必须依据科学的方法预见电磁泵充型过程中液态金属的流动特征及温度分布。

    Inorder to optimize technology scheme , complete technology once and make good use of Electromagnetic Pump , the flowing and the temperature of metal liquid in the process of Electromagnetic Pump filling must be foreseen by scientific means .

  15. 近年来,国内外建筑理论界学术氛围发生变化,加上对景观建筑学、生态建筑学的深刻研究,越来越多的专家学者认同中国古代风水理论中的科学性及预见性。

    In recent years , because of some change of academia in domestic and foreign architecture theory , accompanying the deep research to scene architecture theory and zoology architecture theory , more and more experts agree that there are scientific and prescient truths in China ancient Geomantic Omen .

  16. 因此,科学合理的技术预见活动就显得十分必要,并逐渐被政府部门和科研机构所重视。

    Therefore , scientific and reasonable technology foresight activities have caught broad attention from governmental departments and R & D institutions .

  17. 20年来,思维科学的研究与应用充分证明钱学森的科学预见是完全正确的。

    The research and application of Thought Science proved Qian Xue-sen 's foreseeing .

  18. 但这一理论潮流目前尚处于前科学时期,并未形成统一的成熟的科学范式,并且预见以创新为核心的研究具有长远的理论潜力。

    At the present time , however , this academic trend is on the age of pre-science , which has not shaped a uniform mature science paradigm . In addition , it forecasts the researches centered on innovation possessing long-term theoretic potential .

  19. 马克思在批判继承费尔巴哈、黑格尔的异化思想的基础上,对异化概念做出了科学界定,深入分析了资本主义社会中的人的异化现象及其原因,并对扬弃人的异化作了科学的预见。

    With the criticism and inheritance of the human alienation of Feuerbach and Hegel , Marx defined the human alienation in a scientific way and analyzed the phenomenon in and cause of alienation in Capitalized society and schematically predict the consequence of abandoning alienation .

  20. 在关于科学技术是否可以进行伦理评价的讨论中,有一个问题是一直被忽视的,即对科学技术的伦理评价,实质上同时是一个对科学技术的伦理预见的问题。

    In the discussion of whether ethic appraisal can be conducted for science and technology , one issue has always been neglected , i.e. : the ethic appraisal for science and technology is actually at the same time an issue of ethic foresight for science and technology .