
  • 网络origin of the solar system
  1. (天文学)关于太阳系起源的星云假说。

    ( astronomy ) the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system .

  2. 关于太阳系起源过程中尘层的厚度和演化

    On the thickness and the evolution of the dust layer during the process of the origin of the solar system

  3. 太阳系起源各种学说的评价

    Critical review of theories on the origin of the solar system

  4. 太阳系起源双螺旋星云复合成因说

    Solar system originated as a result of double spiral nebula synthesis

  5. 牛顿运动定律与太阳系起源

    Newton 's laws and the origin of the solar system

  6. 新的太阳系起源假说&再论巨星依次分离说

    Discussion on the origin of solar system & the separation theory of giant star

  7. 星团的采样的彗星和星际尘埃样本将有助于回答关于太阳系起源的一些基本问题。

    Stardust 's cometary and interstellar dust samples will help provide answers to fundamental questions about the origins of the solar system .

  8. 超大型矿床全球分布规律和岩石圈形成与太阳系起源和早期演化的成因联系

    The genetic relationship between the global distribution patterns of superlarge ore deposits , the formation of lithosphere and the origin and early evolution of the solar system

  9. 通过对太阳系起源的研究,笔者指出,超大型金刚石矿床、磷矿床、油气田和油页岩矿床,都与碳质球粒陨石星子有成因联系。

    Based on a study of the origin of the solar system , the author believes that there exists genetic relationship of supergiant diamond deposits , phosphorite deposits , oil-gas fields and oil shale deposits with carbonaceous chondrite planetesimals .

  10. 彗星研究是天文学和空间科学的重要课题,对于了解太阳系起源、有机分子仍至生命起源、太阳风及等离子体过程都有重要意义。

    The study on comets is an important subject in astronomy and space science , which is of significance in studying the origin of the solar system , the origin of the organic molecule and even life , the solar wind and plasma processes .

  11. 科学家们希望对这些物质的研究能帮助人们解开行星和太阳系的起源之谜。

    Scientists hoped that study of the materials would yield insights about the early formation of planets and the dawn of the solar system .

  12. 包括星体和太阳系的起源,属性以及在夜天下望远镜在观测和摄影方面的使用。

    The unit includes the origin and nature of stars and the solar system and the use of telescopes for observing and photographing features of the night sky .

  13. 如果这次任务成功,科学家将能够研究火星的大气层、地形、地质和磁场特征,这有助于了解火星和整个太阳系的起源和演化。

    If the mission succeeds , scientists will be able to study the planet 's atmosphere , as well as topographical , geological and magnetic field features , which will help to get a clue about the origin and evolution of Mars and the entire Solar System .

  14. 太阳系原始同位素组成是研究太阳系起源和演化的基础。

    The isotopic composition of Solar system is the base for studying the origin and evolution of the solar system .

  15. 令科学家感兴趣的原因不仅是伊森离太阳之近,还因其成份研究能够为太阳系起源提供有价值的线索。

    That had scientists intrigued , because ISON 's proximity to the sun , and the chance to study what it is made of , could provide valuable clues about origins of the solar system .

  16. 这表明太阳系天体存在着多样性和复杂性,对太阳系天体的起源与演化研究具有重要意义。

    It indicates the diversity and complexity of the objects in the solar system and has significance to research on the origin and evolution of solar system objects .

  17. 朱诺探测船会在接下来的20个月里研究这颗离太阳距离排行第五、体积最大的行星,帮助科学家探索太阳系的起源,寻找木星大气层底下是否存在固体表面的证据。

    The probe will spend the next 20 months studying the fifth - and biggest - planet in our solar system , to help scientists determine the foundations of our solar system , and to search for signs of a solid surface beneath its cloud-covered atmosphere .