
  • Population survey;【医】census
  1. 南昌口岸蝇密度及种群调查

    An Investigation on Fly Density and Species in Nanchang Frontier Area

  2. 山东省滨湖不同生境主要媒介蚊虫种群调查

    Survey of populations of important mosquito vectors in different habitats of lakefront

  3. 3种茄科类作物花期西花蓟马种群调查

    Investigation on Population of Western Flower Thrips in Florescence of Three Nightshades

  4. 菇房害鼠种群调查及综合控制技术研究

    The investigation of population and integrated control to rats in mushroom hothouse

  5. 兰州市蝇类种群调查和防治效果研究

    Flies species investigation and its control efficacy in Lanzhou city

  6. 试论昆虫种群调查中的两级抽样方法

    An approach to two-stage sampling for insect population estimation

  7. 临沂口岸蝇类种群调查

    The Investigation on Fly Population at Linyi Port

  8. 山茱萸害虫种群调查与研究

    Survey of Pests in Dogwood Tree in Henan

  9. 北京果园土壤营养状况和微生物种群调查分析实用营养和恢复营养

    Survey and Analysis on Nutrient Level and Microorganism Population of Orchard Soil in Beijing Suburb

  10. 重庆市按蚊种群调查与主要传疟媒介的研究

    The Investigation of anopheles population and the studies of major Vector of Malaria in Chongqing

  11. 目的在对济南国际机场蚊虫种群调查的基础上,进行蚊虫多样性的分析。

    Objective To reveal diversity of mosquitoes by analyzing the data obtained from Jinan international airport .

  12. 昆虫种群调查抽样方法的几点探讨

    ON A PROBLEM OF ACCUMULATION POINTS Approaches to the Sampling Methods for Insect Population Estimation Sampling survey

  13. 江苏吴江市美洲钩虫种群调查及化疗研究

    Investigation of the population of Nector americanus and the results of chemotherapy in Wujiang City , Jiangsu Province

  14. 安徽省淮北地区城市草坪杂草优势种群调查及化学防治

    The Investigation and Medicament Prevention of the Advantage Plant of Weed in Turf in Huaibei Area of Anhui Province

  15. 本文对昆虫种群调查常用抽样方法的局限性和改进方法进行了探讨,提出了作者的新见解。

    In this paper , the limitations and improvements of common sampling methods for insect population estimation were approached and some new ideas were put forward by the authors .

  16. 结论:CDC和UV诱蚊灯人房捕蚊效果较好,建议采用两类诱蚊灯捕蚊,这是云南省蚊媒种群密度调查或捕蚊的有效途径之一。

    Conclusion : The efficiencies of collecting mosquitoes are very useful for CDC and UV lamp-traps , It is showed that either CDC lamp-trap or UV would be one efficient way to monitor the population densities of mosquitoes and collecting mosquitoes in Yunnan province .

  17. 果树根围的植物线虫种群结构调查

    Population Structure of Plant Nematodes in the Rhizosphere of Fruit Trees

  18. 湄洲岛鼠类密度及种群构成调查

    Investigation on rat density and its population comprising in Meizhou Island

  19. 巍山县鼠类和蚤类种群组成调查分析

    Investigation on Composition of Rodents and Fleas in Weishan County

  20. 样线法是野生动物种群数量调查的常用方法之一。

    The line transect methods are widely used in wildlife population census .

  21. 清远市市区蟑螂消长趋势及种群构成调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of cockroach growth and decay trend in Qingyuan city

  22. 开放种群数量调查中标志释放法

    The Marked-released Method of Quantitative Survey in Opened Wildlife Population

  23. 云南省香蕉线虫发生分布和种群密度调查

    Survey of occurrence , distribution and population density of banana nematodes in Yunnan

  24. 曲阜市蜚蠊种群密度调查及综合防制方法的研究

    Survey of population density of cockroach and its integrated control strategies in Qufu

  25. 京郊蔬菜上潜叶蝇种群动态调查

    Population dynamics of vegetable leafminers in Beijing suburbs

  26. 同时建立了梨上瘿螨越冬种群数量调查的理论抽样数量计算公式。

    The theoretical sampling quantity formula was determined .

  27. 什邡市地震灾后蝇类密度及种群初步调查

    Preliminary investigation on the density and population of flies after earthquake in Shifang city

  28. 十字花科蔬菜上黄曲条跳甲种群动态调查与分析

    Investigations and analysis on the population dynamics of the striped flea beetle on crucifer vegetables

  29. 大熊猫种群数量调查方法的新突破

    A new break through on the number investigation method of the giant panda ′ s population

  30. 中国麋鹿种群现状调查

    Status of the Chinese Milu Population