
  • 网络isolate
  1. 甘肃兴隆山林区马麝(Moschuschrysogaster)隔离种群的生态特征

    Some ecological characteristics of the isolated population of alpine musk deer ( Moschus chrysogaster ) in the Xinglong forest , Gansu Province

  2. 这对于理解遗传变异性的空间变异、理解岛屿种群和其它隔离种群的保护问题有重要启示。

    This has implications for our understanding of spatial variation in genetic variability and for problems of conservation on islands and in other isolated populations .

  3. 鳄蜥主要分布在中国的广西广东两省区和越南,均为地理隔离种群,对鳄蜥进行保护和研究迫在眉睫。

    Crocodile lizards are mainly distributed with isolated populations in Guangxi and Guangdong of China and Vietnam . The Chinese crocodile lizard is already in urgent need of research and protection .

  4. 臭柏种群间的平均遗传距离为0.086,平均相似性系数为0.918,4个种群之间有比较相似的遗传多样性,由于地理隔离,种群间也存在分化。

    The average genetic distance among populations was 0.086 and Nei 's genetic identity was 0.918.The genetic diversities in 4 populations were similar , but the genetic differentiation existed because of geographic isolation .

  5. 还从地理隔离、种群扩散、基因交流、区系划分、分子钟估算等方面阐述了系统地理学在鱼类的应用研究现况和应用前景。

    The paper also exploits the research and application of phylogeography on fish and its prospects from the aspects of geographical isolation , population dispersal , gene flow , fauna division and molecular clock estimate .

  6. 其种群已明显分为至少18个数量不等且相互隔离的地方种群。

    However , the population has been evidently divided into 18 isolated small local populations with different numbers of individuals .

  7. 原本连成一片的热带雨林碎成了小一些的片段,爬行动物也因此被分离在各个片段里面。这种地理隔离让生物种群向着不同的方向进化,增加了爬行动物的多样性。

    The expansive rainforests broke up into smaller fragments , and reptile populations became isolated from each other in the fragments . Such geographical isolation allows different populations to evolve in different directions , which led to a great increase in diversity .

  8. 在方言种群之间,如果长期隔离,就会在种群之间形成障碍乃至遗传上的隔离,从而使种群间失去了相互配偶的机会。

    If long time isolation is existed among these dialect populations , there will be the isolation in geographic or even in genetic populations , and thus make the population lost their mating opportunities .