
  1. 本文论述了振动系统模态参数的一种统计识方法&模态参数的极大似然估计法。

    This paper deals with a statistic method for identification of modal parameters of structures by means of the maximum likelihood estimation ( MLE ) .

  2. 如果说高盛集团带着一股充满铜臭的嚣张气焰,麦肯锡公司则让人感到一种智识的傲慢&后者引发粗俗反应的能力跟前者不分伯仲。

    If Goldman reeks of moneyed arrogance , McKinsey reeks of intellectual arrogance & the latter capable of producing just as visceral a response as the former .

  3. 然而,由于受旧有苏联模式的影响,再加之法系意识的缺乏,我国在债法总论领域中的一些基本概念及制度不伦不类,学界和实务界长期处于一种误识与滥用的状态。

    However , because of the influence of the old legal mode of Soviet Union and the lack of sense of legal system , some concepts and systems in the field of general rules of obligation in China are not appropriate enough .

  4. 如今,研究人员称他们已经发明了一种闻气识膀胱癌的设备。

    Now , researchers say they have developed a scent device that can identify the disease .

  5. 为克服微钙化点检测中假阳性高的缺点,本文构造了一种带拒识能力的双层支持向量模型分类器用于钙化点检测。

    To solve the problem of false positive in micro-calcification detection , a double-layer support vector classifier model with reject feature is proposed .

  6. 在禅宗解释中“生命的本来面目”指一种不经意识浸染的,与无意识宇宙相通的状态。

    According to the interpretation of Zen Buddhism ," the way it is " refers to a state in connection with the cosmos of unconsciousness , which is not interfered by the consciousness .

  7. 原乡情结作为乡土社会的特定产物,呈现出对原乡的本能回归意愿,并积淀成一种集体无意识根植于乡土中国人的心灵深处。

    Complex of native land is the particular outcome of the country society , which is the embodiment of the will of returning home and has become a collective unconscious rooted in Chinese mind .

  8. 第一种相对拒识为在配置成2WTA网络时,它以各路输入电流的加权和作为相对阈值,因此它具有一定的自适应能力;

    The weighted sum of all the input currents is regarded as a relative threshold in the first kind of relative rejecting when this network is configured in 2 WTA and so it has some adaptibility .

  9. 一种盲人看书看报识物引导器,所属电子制造技术领域。

    A guide for blind men reading relates to the electrical production technology .

  10. 用汉语话音短语作为工效学指标,测试30名受试者在3种条件下,识听56个歼击机座舱显示信息汉语话音短语的成绩。

    Recognition performance of 56 Chinese phrases ( abbreviations phrases ) on information of cockpit display by hearing was tested in 3 conditions .

  11. 隐喻既是一种认知机制,也是一种识解文本的手段。

    Metaphor is not only a cognitive mechanism but also method of text construal .