
  • 网络population fecundity
  1. 1996年的种群繁殖力为4.05×106粒,其中0+龄的贡献为85.7%。

    Population fecundity of P. parva in the 1 # experimental enclosure in 1996 was 4.05 × 106 eggs , of which 0 + age group ( 1995 year class ) contributed 85.7 % .

  2. 香蕉穿孔线虫培养技术及其种群繁殖力研究

    Studies on Cultural Technique and Reproduction Fitness of Radopholus similis

  3. 一种复方避孕药物对围栏内大仓鼠种群繁殖力的影响

    Effect of a Contraceptive Compound on Reproduction of Greater Long-tailed Hamsters ( Tscherskia triton ) in Experimental Enclosures

  4. 安徽野生扬子鳄生境现状及饲养种群繁殖力分析

    The Habitat Status of Wild Chinese Alligator and the Analysis on the Fecundity of Captive Population in Anhui

  5. 这些因素都可影响后代成活蚊的种群繁殖力。

    All these factors would undoubtedly have an influence on the reproduction capacity of the survival offsprings of the mosquito population .

  6. 林地鼢鼠种群繁殖力在造林后第2&4年有一个增加的过程,第4年以后,繁殖力逐年降低。

    In the improved secondary forests the breeding ability of zokor increased between the 2nd year and 4th year and then decreased gradually after the 4th year .

  7. 温度对抗性二点叶螨种群生命力和繁殖力影响的研究

    Study on Influence of Temperature to Life force and Fecundity in Tetranychus urticae

  8. 结果显示,不同地理种群适合度、繁殖力、生长发育历期等指标之间均存在显著性差异。

    The results showed that all the indexes like fitness , fecundity and development durations of different geographical populations were significantly different from each other .

  9. 但气候因子对种群的数量水平不起根本的决定作用,而种群的性比及繁殖力成为调节社鼠种群数量的关键。

    The climatic could not afford a fundamental role in the decision on the population dynamics , while sex ratio and fecundity of the population were the the key factors to adjust population sizes .