
zhòng dì
  • Farming;crop;cultivate (till) land;do farm work;go in for farming;till land
种地 [zhòng dì]
  • [cultivate (till) land;go in for farming] 耕作

  • 学种地

种地[zhòng dì]
  1. 20世纪初几乎有三分之一的人口依靠种地为生。

    At the beginning of the 20th century almost a third of the population lived off the land .

  2. 他们靠擅自占用土地,按种地的收益分成为生。

    They earn their living by squatting the land and sharecropping .

  3. 你对种地一窍不通。

    You don 't know the first thing about farming .

  4. 这头驴平时帮他们种地拉磨,赶集时还要作脚力。

    The donkey helped them pull the field plow during and carry them to the market .

  5. NaCl盐胁迫下5种地被观赏竹生理特性的研究

    Study on the Physiological Characteristic of Five Dwarf Ornamental Bamboos under NaCl Stress

  6. 本文在GIS的技术支持下,选择长江流域涪陵段作为研究区域,并假定该研究区存在三种地表面,即:光滑地表面、实际地表面以及人工调控地表面。

    In this paper , with the technical support of GIS , select Fuling section of the Yangtze River Basin as the study area . Assume that there are three kinds of ground surface : smooth surface , the actual surface and artificial control surface .

  7. 3利用Davenport公式计算了三种地震动模型的地下结构响应最大值的统计参数。

    The statistical parameters of the underground structural maximum responses for three earthquake input model by using the formulas proposed by Davenport were calculated .

  8. 空时自适应处理(STAP)作为一种地杂波环境下机载雷达自适应检测小目标的方法已得到广泛研究,非正侧面阵也是其中的一个重要方面。

    STAP has been widely studied for airborne radar as an approach to adaptively detect small target competing with ground clutter . Non-broadside array is also an important aspect of STAP .

  9. 她的家人以种地为生,地差不多有六亩,位于恰尔肯德邦(Jharkhand)终年干旱的一个地区。

    Her family farms a one-acre plot in a perennially drought-stricken district of Jharkhand state .

  10. 根据产地调查、标本采集和生药鉴定,查明广西境内3种地钱属植物,分别是地钱Marchantiapolymorpha、拳卷地钱Marchantiaconvoluta以及粗裂地钱Marchantiapaleacea,以拳卷地钱为主。

    Three species of Marchantia plants in Guangxi ( Marchantia polymorpha , Marchantia convoluta and Marchantia paleacea ) were identified through investigation of producing area , collection of samples and identification of crude drug .

  11. 种地对我来说,隔行如隔山。

    By taking up farming , I had changed my profession .

  12. 种地:一个生活场景的文化解析

    " Cultivating ": The Interpretation of Cultures to a Trivial Scene

  13. 艾希礼不是生来就该种地劈柴的。

    Ashley was n 't bred to plow and split rails .

  14. 4种地被竹光合作用日变化及光合光响应曲线

    Study on the photosynthetic dynamic variation of 4 dwarf bamboos

  15. 他们搬到乡下去种地。

    They moved to the country to cultivate the soil .

  16. 滇东南岩溶地区两种地类的水土流失比较

    Comparison Between Two Lands of Water and Soil Conservation in Southeastern Yunnan

  17. 5种地榆属植物花粉形态的扫描电镜鉴别

    Pollen Morphology Identification of Five Species of Medicinal Sanguisorba with Electron Microscope

  18. 我真后悔我怎么不种地了!他说。

    I 'm sorry I ever stopped farming ! 'he said . '

  19. 一种地市级广电综合信息网设计模型

    A Design Model of Prefecture-Level Integrated Information Network for Television

  20. 三种污水污泥对两种地被植物和土壤的影响

    Effects of Three Sewage Sludges on Two Ground Cover Plants and Soil

  21. 教师靠教书为生,农民靠种地为生。

    Teachers live by teaching and farmers live by farming .

  22. 两种地被植物的耐热性生理特性研究

    Physiological Characteristics of Heat Tolerance in Two Ground Covering Plants

  23. 先生,我在种地之前,是个织布工。

    Sir , I was a weaver before I took up farming .

  24. 他不想当种地的长工。

    He didn 't want to be a field hand .

  25. 11种地被植物的耐荫性研究

    A study on the Shade-Resistance of 11 ground covers

  26. 他学会了种地,不学是不行。

    He learned farming because he had to learn .

  27. 四种地化方法在一座可地浸砂岩铀矿床上的初试

    A preliminary test of four geochemical methods in a leachable sandstone uranium deposit

  28. 两种地老虎幼虫表皮结构的研究

    Studies on cuticular structures in two species of cutworms

  29. 把播种机播种地的产量与撒播地的产量比比看。

    Just compare the yields of a drilled acre and a broadcast acre .

  30. 一种地对空攻击武器的追及与跟踪方法

    A Tracking Solution of the Ground to Air Weapon