
  • 网络Peking Syndicate
  1. 福公司通过中国的买办,轻易获得了在山西、河南采矿的权利,并把侵略重点放到了河南省。

    Through the compradors of China , Peking Syndicate Limited got the right to mine in Shanxi and Henan , and regarded Henan as its key basis .

  2. 英国为了保持在华的既得利益,谋取更多的特权,成立了以侵夺山西、河南等省煤炭资源为主要目的的英国福公司。

    Britain set up Peking Syndicate Limited in order to rob resources particularly in coal from Shanxi , Henan province , to keep the benefits they have robbed , and to get more privileges in China as well .

  3. 游戏制造商维尔福公司(Valve)出品的免费射击游戏《军团要塞2》(TeamFortress2)的升级版,是正式支持Rift3-D体验的首款游戏。

    An updated version of Team Fortress 2 , a free-to-play shooter from game creator valve , is the first game to officially support the 3-D experience offered by rift .

  4. 北京利德华福公司营销策略分析

    The Analysis on Marketing Strategy of Beijing Leader and Harvest Company

  5. 论英国福公司在中国的投资经营活动

    A Sketchy Account of the Investment and Management of Hope in China

  6. 这正是司特雷福公司挣饭吃的地方。

    That 's where Straitford earns its keep .

  7. 首先,本文通过分析市场战略和营销策略的相关理论,为海乐福公司制定正确的市场战略提供理论基础。

    First , this thesis provides the theoretical base for the market strategy and marketing policy .

  8. 介绍了倍福公司的电机启动器除对电机的基本控制功能外,其对电机的诊断功能。

    This paper introduces the diagnosing function to motor of Beckhoffmotor starter , except its control function .

  9. 英国福公司的经济入侵,极大地损害了河南人民的利益,激起了河南人民旷日持久的斗争。

    The economic incursion of the Peking Syndicate Limited hurt the benefits of Henan terribly , which started the people of Henan to fight for their independence in economy development .

  10. 20世纪初,河南人民开展了一场反对英商福公司攫取豫北地区采矿权的斗争。

    At the beginning of the 20th century , people of Henan province launched a struggle to reject British business Fu company because of their mining right in the north of Henan Province .

  11. 辛亥革命后,河南组织起官商合办的中原煤矿股份有限公司,与福公司合并组成福中总公司,使福公司在中国的活动由原来的独家经营进入与中国官商合办企业联合经营的历史阶段。

    After the Revolution of 1911 , central China Mine Company invested by government and businessman , jointed with Peking Syndicate Limited , the situation was put by joint-venture_Fu-China General Company into a new stage .

  12. 19世纪末20世纪初,以英国福公司为首的西方列强经济侵略深入河南,攫取了焦作煤矿的开采权,把河南封闭的经济纳入了世界经济大市场中。

    Western power economic organizations led by British Fox syndicate intruded into Henan Province from the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century , which grabbed the right of mining coal in Jiaozuo , thus pulled closed economy of Henan into the market of the world economy .

  13. 我认为维尔福软件公司(Valve)和《Vice》杂志都很酷&它们都有自己的个性,这种个性对他们的员工意义重大。

    Valve and vice are two companies I think are very cool & they have an identity that means something to people who work there .

  14. 911.这里是哈特福配送公司(HartfordDistributors),我们需要警察。

    I need the cops here at Hartford Distributors right away .

  15. 哈特福配送公司(HartfordDistributors)一名员工出现在工作场所,用来福枪向同事开枪。

    An employee at Hartford Distributors showed up at work this morning , and fired on his coworkers using a rifle .

  16. 我是斯戴福地产公司的我们在电话里谈过

    I 'm with Stepford Realty . We spoke on the phone .

  17. 小型黄金矿山企业发展的问题及对策&福六公司的发展启示

    Problems and countermeasures in the development of small gold mines & enlightenment from the development of Fuliu Company

  18. 我的意思不是苹果抄袭了维尔福软件公司出品的游戏的图标。

    Now , I 'm not about to suggest that Apple copied Valve 's global sensation of a video game .

  19. 为使银杏特有的抗病能力和长寿基因益惠人类,福悦公司特以先进工艺推出了银杏系列产品。

    To make gingko 's anti-disease function and longevity gene benefit human being , Fuyue Company determines to promote the gingko product series by its advanced technology .

  20. 对于一个1960年才取得菲律宾国籍、1965年才创办了后来成为其旗舰企业的福川烟草公司(fortunetobaccocorporation)的人来说,他的发迹堪称不同寻常。

    It is a remarkable rise for somebody who became a Philippine citizen only in 1960 and formed what was to be his flagship company , fortune Tobacco Corporation , only in 1965 .

  21. 河南胤福工程机械公司,专业销售各种规格进口加藤(KATO)多田野(TADANO)二手吊车。

    Henan Yin-fu company specializes in sales of construction machinery imports specifications Kato ( KATO ) TADANO ( TADANO ) used cranes .

  22. 乐福珠宝首饰公司是一家成立只有一年多的珠宝零售企业,目前处于起步阶段,面临众多困难,商业模式不确定。

    Lok Fu Jewelry Company is a younger organization . It manages just more than a year . In the initial stage , it is facing much difficulties , and it has not fixed business model .

  23. 中旅侨福渡轮服务有限公司

    CTS & Parkview Ferry Services Limited

  24. 上海毕福工业装备有限公司是国内专业从事企业车间、仓储物流设备的专业制造销售公司。

    Shanghai Bifu Industrial Equipment Limited Company is a professional company which integrates development , production , and sales of industrial equipment and storage or logistic products .

  25. 在去年的经济衰退中,该公司的销售额却增长了17%。或许,这也正是托了经济低迷的福,因为该公司出品的服装既有一点时尚又价格低廉。

    Last year sales grew by17 % , despite the recession , or because of it : its clothes combine a touch of style with enticingly low prices .

  26. 福浩科技有限公司立足于具有科技创新理念的环保节能型新产品,新技术在中国电力行业的推广和应用。

    Here after called Foredawn is a new company which registered in Tianjin China with a business focus in developing importing and exporting new technologies and products in power generation industry .

  27. 福起数码科技公司力争做到集研制销售于一体的最优质的广告材料供应商,以高性价比的产品满足不同层次要求的国内国外客户的需要!

    With time passing by , we are striking to build ourself as the first-class supplier of advertising materials , we are trying to satisfy all kinds of requirement from our customer .