
  1. 官方媒体援引国务院三峡工程建设委员会(statecouncilthreegorgesconstructioncommittee)主任汪啸风的话称,山体滑坡、泥沙淤积和河流侵蚀正在引发环境和安全隐患,决不能掉以轻心。

    Landslides , silting and erosion above the dam are creating environmental and safety hazards that cannot be ignored , Wang Xiaofeng , director of the State Council Three Gorges Construction Committee , was quoted as saying in state media .

  2. 汪啸风称,政府最近出台了“7+1”专项计划来治理三峡库区污染和监控滑坡事故,如果今后扩大推广,还需要投入更多的资金。

    A newly launched seven-point project to alleviate pollution and monitor landslides will require even more money as it expands , he said .

  3. 国际专家和中国国内反对人士曾预言,这个全球最大的水坝将破坏生态环境。汪啸风的言论标志着,中国异乎寻常地承认,上述可怕预期可能变成现实。

    Mr Wang 's comments mark an unusual admission that the dire predictions of ecological destruction by global experts and domestic opponents of the world 's biggest dam are coming true .

  4. 汪啸风此次重申之前提到的观点说,三峡的水污染问题仅限于长江支流,而且滑坡现象在大坝动工前早已存在。

    Repeating earlier assessments , he said water-pollution problems were limited to tributaries to the Yangtze , and that the region had been prone to deadly landslides long before the dam was built .

  5. 在最新的新华社报道中,汪啸风重申了党的官方立场,即三峡大坝利大于弊,工程的环境影响从未被忽视。

    In the latest Xinhua report , Mr Wang repeated the party 's official line that the dam 's benefits still outweigh its drawbacks and that the environmental impacts have never been overlooked .

  6. 汪啸风的言论吸引了国内外媒体的密切关注。在他明显改变立场之前,媒体上出现了一系列分析三峡大坝负面及社会影响的报道。

    Mr Wang 's comments attracted intense attention from domestic and international media and his apparent change of heart follows a series of reports examining the negative environmental and social consequences of the dam .