
  1. 介绍了“福州大学图书馆学术网站”建设实践&采用Access数据库管理信息数据和用ASP语言编写动态数据管理系统的具体实现过程。

    The article introduces that the Specific Achieving Process of Fuzhou University Library Academic Web site construction . The information data is managed by Access and the active information management system is written by ASP Language .

  2. 对大学生参与图书馆管理工作的思考&以福州大学图书馆为例

    Considerations on Library Management Participated by College Students & Taking Fuzhou University Library as an Example

  3. 谈高校图书馆科技查新为教学科研服务&以福州大学图书馆为例

    Discussion on the Sci-tech Novelty Search of University Libraries for Teaching and Research & Case Study of Fuzhou University Library

  4. 开放存取环境下高校图书馆创新信息服务的实践与启示&以福州大学图书馆为例

    Practice and Enlightenment of the University Library Services Innovation in Open Acess Environment & Taking Fuzhou University as an Example

  5. 分析了图书馆开展文献传递服务的必然性,介绍了福州大学图书馆当前文献传递服务发展的现状。

    The paper has analysed the inevitability of document delivery services , and introduced the current situation of document delivery services .

  6. 文章简要阐述了传统以太网的局限性和新型以太网技术的特点,并结合福州大学图书馆多年的网络优化实践,对网络优化原则、策略、方法等进行了分析和探讨。

    This paper briefly expounds the limitation of traditional Ethernet and the features of new-type Ethernet techniques and , connecting with the practice of many years ' network optimization of Fuzhou University , makes analysis on and exploration into the principles , tactics and methods of network optimization .

  7. 地源水源热泵空调系统在福州大学新校区图书馆的应用

    Application of earth source and water source heat pump air conditioning system in Library of New Campus of Fuzhou University