
  • 网络Siena;Sienna;AC Siena
  1. 1358年击败锡耶纳之后佩鲁贾的影响力达到了顶峰。

    The zenith of Perugia 's influence came with the defeat of Siena in 1358 .

  2. 第二天,我们驱车33英里来到锡耶纳参加赛马节(此地的阿尔希诺山庄是个好地方,值得一去)。

    The next day we drove the 33 miles to Siena ( the Villa Arceno is a great place to stay while you are there ) for the Palio

  3. 请看这座萨卢斯蒂奥·班迪尼的雕像,他是一位杰出的锡耶纳人。

    Note the statue to Sallustio Bandini , a prominent Sienese

  4. 锡耶纳的主要广场是意大利的名胜之一。

    Siena 's main piazza was one of the sights of Italy .

  5. 中午,一场天昏地暗的暴风雨在锡耶纳上空倒下来

    A black cloudburst was drenching Siena at midday .

  6. 锡耶纳学院心理学助理教授麦克斯•莱文(MaxLevine)研究了针对晕动病的行为疗法和替代疗法。

    Max Levine , an associate professor of psychology at Siena College , studies behavioral and alternative motion-sickness treatments .

  7. 关于服用生姜胶囊、冷敷脸部以及通过听音乐分散注意力来缓解晕动病的症状及其引发的生理反应的效果,纽约州劳顿维尔(Loudonville)锡耶纳学院(SienaCollege)的研究人员也进行了研究。

    At Siena College , in Loudonville , N.Y. , researchers have studied the effectiveness of ginger capsules , facial cooling and listening to music as a distraction for lessening symptoms and physiological responses to motion sickness .

  8. 从饭店看去,可见剑锡耶纳的美丽景致。

    From the restaurant there is a beautiful view of siena .

  9. 他们正被遣送到锡耶纳去等候交换。

    They 're being sent to Siena to await exchange .

  10. 他曾主动表示可以先在罗马或锡耶纳停留一下。

    He 's offered to stop off in Rome and Siena first .

  11. 我能改掉你在锡耶纳看到的。

    I can 't change what you witnessed in siena .

  12. 带他去锡耶纳很危险。

    It 's risky to take him to siena .

  13. 之后是我在锡耶纳的那个学期

    And then there was my semester in Sienna .

  14. 他们与世隔绝,呆在锡耶纳郊外的别墅里。

    They were isolated in a villa outside Siena .

  15. 这位与锡耶纳合同到期的后卫有望在今天与拉齐奥进行商谈。

    The off contract Siena fullback is expected to hold talks with Lazio today .

  16. 我之所以到意大利是因为我喜欢意大利的艺术,这在锡耶纳俯拾皆是。

    I picked Italy for its art , and Siena was full of it .

  17. 我们不感兴趣,我们首先会对阵切沃,然后才轮到锡耶纳。

    We will think about Chievo first and then we will go to Siena .

  18. 国际环境法锡耶纳论坛

    Siena Forum on International Law of the Environment

  19. 锡耶纳意大利独有的魅力王国

    Siena Italy s'very Own Magic Kingdom

  20. 她是唯一一个震撼他世界的女人,他多么喜欢锡耶纳。

    How she 's the only woman that 's everrocked his world how he adores siena ...

  21. 这个奖项是在国际米兰取得了对锡耶纳的胜利而获得联赛冠军后产生的。

    The award comes on the heels of Inter Milan 's scudetto clinching victory over Siena Sunday .

  22. 回到锡耶纳以后的第二天,在早上醒来的时候我发现自己根本站不起来。

    Back in Siena , I woke up the next morning and I couldn 't stand up .

  23. 埃伦杰斯特罗在锡耶纳近郊住了九年,却一次也没看过赛马。

    In nine years of living just outside siena , Aaron Jastrow had never attended a palio .

  24. 我不认为我将及时伤愈参加对阿森纳的比赛,我在锡耶纳:的比赛中碰到了些肌肉问题。

    I have a : flexor muscle problem that I picked up in the game with Siena .

  25. 如果说我到锡耶纳有几个堂皇的理由,那么我离开芝加哥就更加振振有辞了。

    I went to Siena for a few good reasons . I left Chicago for a million more .

  26. 上周当锡耶纳将比分扳成2-2时,他们都在庆祝,仿佛我们进了球一样。

    When Siena equalised to make it2-2 against Inter last weekend they celebrated as if we had scored .

  27. 锡耶纳和锋线老将恩里克。基耶萨签订了一份2年的新合同,俱乐部已于周一加以确认。

    Siena have handed veteran striker Enrico chiesa a new two-year deal , the club have confirmed on monday .

  28. 对锡耶纳我们成功的在中路和边路封住了他们的进攻。

    Against Siena we were able to close down their actions both in the middle and on the flanks .

  29. 在对阵锡耶纳的比赛中的进球让我非常激动,因为这是一场艰苦的比赛直到比赛结束;

    The goal in Siena was very emotional for me because it was a tough game right up until the end ;

  30. 据说,加尔加诺·吉多蒂1148年生于锡耶纳附近的丘西迪诺,他的形象充满了神秘感和传奇色彩。

    The figure of Galgano Guidotti who is said to have been born in1148 in Chiusdino near Siena is shrouded in mystery and legend .