
  • 网络neurotransmitter receptor
  1. 采用显微注射法,将所提取的RNA注射于成熟的爪蟾卵母细胞中,采用电压钳位方法记录表达到非洲爪蟾卵母细胞膜上的神经递质受体通道电流。

    The mature oocytes of clawed frog were injected with the extracted RNA by microinjection , and double electrode voltage clamps were used to detect activated peak currents of expressed neurotransmitter receptor channel .

  2. 目的:探讨神经递质受体在D-半乳糖拟衰老模型大鼠发生中的作用。

    AIM : To investigate the role of neurotransmitter receptor in D-galactose ( D-gal ) mimetic aging rats .

  3. 有些神经递质受体参与调控这一加工过程,提示神经传递活动在AD发生发展机制中起了作用。

    Some neurotransmitters can regulate APP processing suggesting that agents affecting some neurotransmission may influence the pathogenesis of AD.

  4. 人参皂甙Rb1和Rg1对小鼠中枢神经递质受体和脑内蛋白质合成的影响

    Influence of ginsenoside rb_1 and rg_1 on some central neurotransmitter receptors and protein biosynthesis in mouse brain

  5. 观察淀粉样β蛋白1-40(Aβ1-40)对爪蟾卵母细胞表达的淋巴细胞神经递质受体(NR)功能的影响,探讨淋巴细胞NR功能检测在阿尔茨海默痴呆(AD)病理生理学上的意义。

    It is designed to investigate the effects of amyloid β protein ( A β 1-40 ) on the functions of expressed lymphocyte neurotransmitter receptors ( NRs ) in Xenopus oocytes .

  6. 结论淀粉样β蛋白对老龄大鼠脑神经递质受体的作用因受体种类的不同而有差异,这种差异提示不同的受体在AD病因病理学机制中的不同作用。

    Conclusions There are differences between the effects of A β on different types of neurotransmitter receptors . These differences may explain the mechanisms of different neurotransmitter receptors in Alzheimer disease , which will be of help for the preventive and therapeutic strategies of AD.

  7. 利用两栖类卵母细胞表达鸡视网膜mRNA,借助电压箝方法研究鸡视网膜中的神经递质受体和离子通道、结果表明,鸡视网膜中存在甘氨酸受体和N型的乙酰胆碱受体。

    Glycine receptor , acetylcholine receptor and voltage dependent ion channels expressed in amphibian oocytes after injection of chicken retinal mRNA were studied by using voltage clamp technique . The current response to glycine was proved as small , and the acetylcholine receptor was identified as N type .

  8. 结论VNS可能通过增强抑制性神经递质受体α氨基丁酸受体的活动,降低大脑皮层的兴奋性,从而抑制癫痫的形成及发展。

    Conclusions VNS may reduce the excitability of cerebral cortices by promoting the activities of gamma aminobutyric acid receptor ( GABAR ) in thalamic reticular nuclei . So the formation and development of seizures are inhibited .

  9. 事实上,OPCs表达多种神经递质受体并可以介导OPCs的迁移。谷氨酸作为脑内广泛分布的一类神经递质,参与调节了众多神经生理功能。

    Indeed , OPCs express many neurotransmitter receptors which are invovled in the regulation of cellular migration . Glutamate , as an important neurotransmitter , is widely distributed in whole brain and regulates numerous neurophysiological activities .

  10. 鲫鱼脑氨基酸类神经递质受体在两栖类卵母细胞中的表达

    Amino acid neurotransmitter receptors of carp brain expressed in amphibian oocytes

  11. 鼠脑神经递质受体在卵母细胞上的表达

    Expression of Neurotransmitter Receptors from Mouse Brain in Xenopus Oocytes

  12. D-半乳糖拟衰老模型大鼠的神经递质受体机制

    Mechanism of neurotransmitter receptor in D-galactose mimetic aging rats

  13. 目的探讨肝纤维化大鼠肝脏组织中交感神经递质受体表达的变化情况。

    Objective To investigate the expression of neurotransmitter receptors in rat liver tissue of fibrosis .

  14. 迷走神经刺激影响致痫大鼠丘脑神经递质受体活动的实验研究

    The study of activities of neurotransmitter of thalami by vagus nerve stimulation in epileptic rats

  15. 神经甾体可通过影响脑内多种神经递质受体的功能而产生广泛的生物学效应。

    It is demonstrated that neurosteroids can widely influence the function of traditional neurotransmitter receptors .

  16. 一叶萩碱对5种神经递质受体和蛙脊髓膜电位的影响

    Influence of securinine on 5 kinds of neurotransmitter receptors and membrane potential of frog spinal cord

  17. 大脑中神经元突触间的信号传递是由许多神经递质受体介导的。

    Neurotransmitter receptors mediate signal transduction at the postsynaptic membrane of synaptic connections between neurons in the nervous system .

  18. 目的:探索味觉的传递机制是否系味蕾细胞所接受的信息直接通过神经递质受体作用于舌乳头的感觉神经来完成。

    Objective : To study whether the transfering mechanism of taste sense is from taste bud path to sensory nerve fiber of lingual papillae .

  19. 收录的易感基因大部分是神经递质受体、神经递质载体和参与神经递质代谢的酶。

    Most of candidate genes are coding for neurotransmitter receptors , neurotransmitter transporters and enzymes involved in their metabolism , other susceptibility genes extracted from published literatures were also included .

  20. 本研究结果提示,生理强度的电场作用可通过对神经递质受体和化学趋化受体的双重作用,驱动神经干细胞的定向迁移,为临床神经损伤修复的康复治疗提供了一种新的治疗策略。

    Our findings suggest that EF drive NSCs migration may though a novel cross talk between chemotaxis receptors and neurotransmitter receptors , which provides a new treatment strategy for nerve damage and repair .

  21. 目的观察淀粉样β蛋白(Aβ)对老龄鼠脑神经递质受体功能的影响,探讨Aβ和神经递质受体介导的阿尔茨海默病发病机制。

    Objective It was designed to observe the effects of β amyloid protein on the functions of neurotransmitter receptors and to disclose the possible pathophysiological mechanism of Alzheimer disease ( AD ) mediated by β amyloid protein and neurotransmitter receptors .

  22. 通过慢性随机刺激合并结扎/开放双侧颈总动脉制备抑郁模型,并测定其海马组织β-肾上腺素受体和大脑皮层5羟色胺受体密度,研究长期给药对神经递质受体的影响。

    The depression model was set up by chronic stimulation and ligate / perfuse double carotid , and the density of β - adrenergic receptor in hippocampus and 5-HTP receptor in cerebral cortex was determined , and the effect on neurotransmitter of a long-term administration was discused .

  23. 中枢神经递质和受体显像的研究现状

    Present Situation of the Study on Central Neurotransmitter and Receptor Imaging

  24. 多巴胺能神经递质及受体显像的临床研究和应用进展

    Development of clinical study and application on dopaminergic neurotransmitters and neuroreceptor imaging

  25. 本文就神经递质、受体与离子通道、信号转导等方面总结了抗癫痫中药的作用机制。

    Researches are mainly focus on the following aspects : accommodating neurotransmitter , recepter , ion channel and signal transduction .

  26. 催产素受体的研究和大鼠下丘脑大细胞神经元中神经递质的受体研究

    The Oxytocin Receptor Studies and Research on Expressions of Neurotransmitters ' Receptors in Oxytocin - and Vasopressin-containing Neurons in Rat Hypothalamus

  27. 包埋前纳米金-银加强法已较广泛地应用于对神经递质和受体的超微定位研究,被证明是一种敏感和高分辨率的方法。

    Preembedding nanogold labeling followed by silver enhancement has been applied to the studies on the subcellular localization of neurotransmitters and receptors .

  28. 在视觉发育可塑性关键期内,异常的视觉环境(如暗饲养等)影响视皮层的可塑性。但是,哪些神经递质及受体参与了视皮层可塑性的改变仍需要进一步研究。

    During the critical period of visual development , abnormal visual environment such as dark-rearing influences the experience-dependent plasticity of visual cortex .

  29. 愈痫灵对慢性点燃大鼠海马区氨基酸类神经递质及其受体基因表达的影响

    Effect of YuXianLing ( YXL ) Drug Granules on the Amino-acid Neurotransmitter and Their Receptors ' Gene Expression in the Hippocampus of the Chronic Epileptic Rats

  30. 因为神经递质和受体结合(配位)启动了这些离子通道,所以他们被称为配位门通道,以区别于电压门通道。

    Because the binding of the neurotransmitter ( ligand ) to the receptor activates these ion channels , they are called ligand-gated channels to distinguish them from voltage-gated channels .