
  1. 利用X射线衍射仪法识别相近固体污染物的研究

    Distinguish Similar Solid Pollutants Using Method of X-ray Diffraction Analysis

  2. 提出了利用X射线衍射仪法识别相近固体污染物,并且对固体污染物进行组分测定,确定了组分的贡献率,为确定固体污染物污染来源、控制固体污染物污染探索出一条新的途径。

    The paper produced a method to identify similar solid pollutants , measure their components and the rate of contribution of each component . It explored a new method of finding the source of solid pollutants and controlling the solid pollutants .

  3. 炼铁液压系统固体污染物的侵入及控制

    The Intrusion and Control of Solid Pollutants in Ironmaking Hydraulic System

  4. 室内空气污染物包括悬浮固体污染物和气体污染物。

    Indoor air pollutants consist of suspended solid pollutants and gaseous pollutants .

  5. 滤后油液中固体污染物数量的研究

    Study on Amount of Solid Contaminants in Hydraulic Oil after Being Filtered

  6. 基于实时图像的固体污染物特征参数测量研究

    The Measurement of the Characteristic Parameters of Solid Contamination Based on Real-time Image Processing

  7. 因此,固体污染物分析与控制的研究具有积极而重要的意义。

    So it is of great significance to analyze and control the solid pollution .

  8. 固体污染物粒度分布参数对油液污染度影响的研究

    Study on Effect of Probability Distribution Parameters of Dimension of Solid Contaminants on Oil Contaminating Level

  9. 基于形状特征的液压传动和润滑系统固体污染物计算机视觉检测原理

    Detection principle of computer vision based shape characteristic for solid contaminant in hydraulic transmission and lubricating system

  10. 结果表明,用自动计数法所测油液中粒度不小于4μm、6μm、14μm的固体污染物颗粒数与用重量法所测单位体积内固体污染物的重量成正比。

    The result shows that the solid contaminant numbers detected by an automatic counter is directly proportional to the contaminant weight .

  11. 对泉港区石化工业大气、水和固体污染物的成分、排放量及排放方式进行了调查研究,并进一步分析了污染物产生的主要原因和环境污染的特点。

    Then it analyses the reason why the pollutants occur and studies the characteristic of the pollutants how they harm the district environmental quality .

  12. 针对津京输油管道航空煤油中的固体污染物多、油品质量不稳定的问题进行了分析,提出了津京输油管道实施清管作业的必要性。

    This article introduces the general situation of Beijing-Tianjin Products Pipeline , analyzes the influence of solid matter on products quality and the necessity to pig the pipeline .

  13. 理论分析了通过旋流分离压缩空气中水和固体污染物的机理,计算了可分离污染物的最小直径。

    The mechanism of rotating flow to separate water , solid contaminants from compressed air are analyzed , the minimum size of contaminants that could be separated is calculated .

  14. 阐明该系统能够有效地净化封闭舱室中的气体、液体、固体污染物,补充氧气及维持舱室必需的热湿规范,建立和应用这种综合空气处理系统是封闭舱室空调系统的发展方向。

    The system is able to remove contaminated air , liquid and solid from enclosed space effectively , replenish oxygen and maintain necessary temperature and humidity criterion inside the space .

  15. 因此,采取有效措施去除油液污染物,尤其是固体污染物,是保证工程机械液压系统正常工作的前提。

    Therefore , to take effective measures to remove the oil pollution , especially of solid pollutants , is the guarantee of construction machinery hydraulic system a prerequisite for normal work .

  16. 可实现对固体污染物进行形状、大小、颜色的分类,从而有效地评价污染物的性质及可能的产生源,为预防故障、早期诊断故障提供了急需的信息。

    The classification may be achieved for shape , size and colour off solid contaminant , thus with effectively evaluating the properties and sources of contaminants . The much-needed information is provided for the prevention and early diagnosis of faults .

  17. 硫酸渣是焙烧硫铁矿生产硫酸时产生的废渣,是一种工业固体污染物,但其一般含铁30-50%,是一种重要的二次铁资源。

    Pyrite cinder is the production of sulfuric acid sludge produced by roasting pyrite , it is a solid industrial pollutant . However , the content of iron is generally 30 ~ 50 % , it is an important secondary resource .

  18. 据科学家保守估计,人类每年向海洋丢弃的塑料垃圾约为480万至1270万吨,占海洋固体污染物总量的60%-80%。

    About 4.8 million to 12.7 million ton of plastic waste goes into the seas very year , accounting for 60 % to 80 % of the total solid pollutants in the oceans , according to a conservative estimate by scientists .

  19. 焚烧垃圾产生的二次污染包括焚烧过程产生的飞灰、以Dioxins为代表的有毒有机物、重金属、HCl、SOx、NOx、HF、CO等有害气体和固体灰渣污染物。

    The secondary pollution including fly ash , heavy metals , HC1 , SOx , NOx , HF , CO , bottom ash , dioxins and others poisonous organic pollutant .

  20. 航空煤油固体颗粒污染物的鉴别及防治措施

    The Differentiate and Prevention of Solid Grain Contamination in Aviation Kerosene

  21. 固体颗粒污染物对节流调速回路速度启动特性的影响

    The Effect of Particle Contamination on the Starting Characteristic of Throttle Velocity Modulating Circuits

  22. 对液压系统中固体颗粒污染物的控制直接影响到产品的可靠性与使用寿命。

    The control of solid contamination particles in hydraulic system has a direct impact on product reliability and service life .

  23. 进口废电器拆解残余固体废物中污染物的溶出试验研究

    Study on the leaching of solid pollutants from disassembled import waste electrical equipment

  24. 但在其施工期和运行期都会产生废水、废气、噪声和固体废物等污染物,对项目及周边区域造成不同程度的环境影响。

    But it will produce wastewater , waste gas , noise and waste solids , and cause certain impact to the area surrounding the project .

  25. 在地下水调查、地下固体废物与污染物探测、考古、土壤评价、城市管线探测、冰厚测量甚至是石油勘探中都有广泛的应用。

    It has a wide range of applications in groundwater investigations , solid waste and pollutants underground exploration , archeology , soil assessment , urban pipeline detection , measurement of ice thickness and even oil exploration .

  26. 瞬变电磁法勘察是环境与工程探测的重要方法,主要用于地下水调查、地下固体废物与污染物探测、考古、土壤评价及城市管线探测等。

    Transient electromagnetic exploration ( TEM ) is an important method for environment and engineering , mainly applied in ground water investigation , ground solid waste and poison detecting , archaeology , soil engineering studies and detecting city ground piping , etc.

  27. 本文对液压元件的污染磨损情况进行了分析,特别是对液压元件的磨损形式进行的探讨。分析表明:油液中固体里面粒污染物是引起元件磨损最主要的因素;

    The paper analyzes the hydraulic element pollution and wear and tear , especially approaches on the wear and tear form , The analysis indicates that the consolidate pellet pollution in oil liquid is the important factor of element wear and tear .

  28. 城市道路雨水径流中富含交通活动所产生的大量石油类、悬浮固体和重金属等污染物,能够对受纳水体的水质造成明显的破坏并影响水生生态。

    Many kinds of pollutants such as suspended solid , oil and grease and heavy metals derived from traffic activities were enriched in urban road runoff , and they could significantly degrade the quality of the receiving waters and affect hydro-ecosystem .

  29. 按照低碳经济发展的要求,环境成本报告不但要呈现出环境成本的相关数据,还要反映出企业在一定会计期间内气体、固体、液体等污染物和废弃物的排放量情况。

    According to the needs of the development of low-carbon economy , not only the related data of environmental costs , but also the emissions of carbon dioxide and other waste in a certain accounting period should be included in the environmental costs report .

  30. 传统的油液固体颗粒污染检测装置不能全面反映污染物特性,无法满足对系统进行在线监测、系统故障早期预报以及故障分析的要求。本文提出基于固体污染物形状特征的计算机视觉检测原理。

    This paper puts forward the detection principle of computer vision based shape characteristic of solid contaminant .