
  1. 各民族神话有其不同特点,在古希腊神话中神人同形同性,而中国上古神话中神人泾渭分明。

    For example , in Greek mythology , God and human are same in the appearances and character . However , in Chinese myths , they are completely different .

  2. 在希腊神话中,神人同形同性是其突出特色,首先表现在神人外貌的相似,其次是心理、性格和行为的相似。

    Anthropomorphism , a distinct feature of Greek Mythology , is characterized as the similarity between gods and men , not only in appearance , but also in psychology , temperament and behavior .

  3. 表现为神话中神人同形、神人同性、神际关系的网络化、神明职能的社会化、神族生活的世俗化、神祗存在的“命运”化。

    It shows the sharing of shape by god and man , the network gods , the secularization of the life of the god race , the destiny state of god beings .