
  • 网络panto
  1. 如今,国外不少工艺美术爱好者把皮影作为壁饰和橱窗装饰的欣赏品。皮影戏的内容,多为传统的历史戏、神话剧等。

    Nowadays , many arts and crafts-lovers overseas see shadow play as an art decoration of show case . Most contents of the shadow plays are historical stories and myths stories .

  2. 中国神话题材电视剧的类型叙事和美学精神

    Study on the Narrative Style and Esthetics Spirit of Chinese Myth Theme Opera

  3. 二十世纪八十年代以来,神话题材电视剧亮相荧屏,并迅速发展成火爆之势。

    Since the 1980s , the myth theme opera has presented on the screen , and rapidly expanded .