
  • 网络Pallas;Palas
  1. 林区生物多样性保护与缓解贫困&以巴基斯坦帕拉斯山谷西喜马拉雅丛林项目为例

    Biodiversity Conservation in Forest Areas and Poverty Alleviation & The case of Western Himalayan Jungle

  2. 一只帕拉斯长舌蝙蝠在空气中飞行。

    Pallas'long-toungued bat flies through the air .

  3. 肠胃病学专家帕拉斯指出,高纤维纳入可能导致机能性肠障碍疾病恶化。

    Price , a specialist in gastroenterology , says the high fibre intake could exacerbate IBS .

  4. 丛林项目于1991年开始解除这种威胁,保护帕拉斯珍贵的森林生物资源。

    The project launched in1991 aims at the protection of the valuable forest bio-resources from such maniac .

  5. 埃涅阿斯本想饶他一命,但就在这刹那间他看见图努斯从被害青年帕拉斯那里取来的腰带。

    Aeneas would have given him his life , but at the instant his eye fell on the belt of pallas , which Turnus had taken from the slaughtered youth .

  6. 战争持续了很长时间,海伦发现自己还爱着曼纽拉斯,于是当俄底修斯和戴奥米底斯化妆进城来窃取帕拉斯(守护特洛伊城的神像)神像时,她帮助了他们。

    The battle continued for a very long time , Helen felt she still loved Menelaus , and she helped Odysseus and Diomedes when they came in disguise to steal the Palladium .