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  • rebel army
  1. NATO声称与反抗军的协作已经有了进步,对目标的空袭已有了更高准确度。

    NATO says that co-ordination with the rebels has also improved , enabling targets to be hit with increasing accuracy .

  2. 这是一位装备相对较好的反抗军战士,他配有护甲、头盔,以及一具在全世界冲突中都可以见到的RPG或火箭助推榴弹发射器。

    A relatively well-equipped rebel fighter since he looks to have some kind of body armour , helmet and that staple of conflicts the world over , an RPG or rocket-propelled grenade launcher .

  3. Misurata城,利第三大城市,在过去的两个月里饱经战火蹂躏,包括它的机场和海港已经被反抗军解放。

    The city of Misrata , the country 's third biggest , under siege for the past two months , has been secured by the rebels , along with its airport and port .

  4. 激发《反抗军》创作灵感的到底是什么故事?

    And what exactly happened in the source events inspiring defiance ?

  5. 欢迎来到反抗军。今天,我们开始反击了!

    Welcome to the Resistance . Today , we fight back .

  6. 我告诉过你,她不会背叛反抗军。

    I told you she would never consciously betray the rebellion .

  7. 反抗军抓到我,改写我的程式。

    The resistance captured me and reprogrammed my cpu .

  8. 好像是法国反抗军抽的烟。

    The French resistance smoked them , I think .

  9. 要一劳永逸地消灭反抗军。

    To crush the rebellion once and for all .

  10. 反抗军的卡车也装上了新的通讯设备,其中就有安装在顶部的大型无线电天线。

    Rebel trucks carried new communications equipment , including tall , roof-mounted radio antennas .

  11. 我们是反抗军是第二团的成员

    We 're with the resistance . We 're part of the 2nd Massachusetts .

  12. 问他其他的反抗军在哪里。

    Ask him where the other rebels are .

  13. 和很多反抗军战士一样,贝丁也没有多少军事经验。

    Like most of the rebel fighters , Bedin lacked much prior military experience .

  14. 你告诉他们,反抗军血战疆场

    You tell them the resistance drew blood .

  15. 蒙克莱梅利人常被称为是反抗军联盟的灵魂人物。

    The Mon Calamari are said to be the soul of the Rebel Alliance .

  16. 反抗军原以为你是救星。

    The supposed savior of the resistance .

  17. 但是现在,反抗军面对着更大的挑战,我必须做好准备。

    But now the Rebellion faces even greater odds , and I must be ready .

  18. 和反抗军他们在一起共事。

    What with the rebellion and all .

  19. 反抗军也在寻求说服中国,以获得最大可能性的支持。

    The rebels are also trying to win over China to gain the widest possible endorsement .

  20. 当他们遭到反抗军强有力地进攻时,他们的指挥官转身就跑了。

    When they came under heavy fire from the rebels , their officer turned and ran .

  21. 参议员麦凯恩想要实施禁飞区反对在叙利亚的政府部队和武装反抗军。

    Senator McCain wants to impose no-fly-zone against the government forces in Syria and arm the rebels .

  22. 反抗军指挥官开始从那些不属于军队的人、或是被认为不可靠的人手中收回武器。

    Rebel commanders have begun confiscating guns from those who don 't belong to the military force or who are deemed unreliable .

  23. 另外一个重要的原因就是她不敢告诉任何人自己嫁给了拉兹洛,一个重要的法国反抗军领袖。

    Another important reason is that she dared not tell anybody she had married Laszlo , an important leader of the French Resistance .

  24. 莫夫塔金总督的死星遭反抗军摧毁时,维德被认为消失在宇宙深渊中了。

    When Grand Moff Tarkin 's Death Star was destroyed by the Rebels , it was believed that Vader had been lost to the void .

  25. 美西战争爆发以后,美国必须马上与反抗军首领加西亚将军取得联系。

    When war broke out between Spain and the United States , it was very necessary to communicate quickly with the leader of the Insurgents .

  26. 米苏拉塔的反抗军官方对我采访他们显得不情愿,但是最后还是同意我进行采访,条件是不公布他们姓名。

    The authorities in this rebel-held city were reluctant to let us interview them , but finally agreed on condition we do not reveal the soldiers'names .

  27. 这场卡扎菲的拥护者和反抗军的激烈战斗对这个城市的平民的生活带来了毁灭性的影响。

    The violent warfare raging between those loyal to Muammar Gaddafi and opposition troops is having a devastating impact on the lives of the city 's civilians .

  28. 维德派遣了数以千计的侦察机器人到银河系中进行地毯式调查,终于找到了冰雪行星霍斯上的反抗军新基地。

    Through the use of thousands of probe droids dispatched to comb the galaxy , Vader eventually located the new Rebel base on the ice planet Hoth .

  29. 达斯维德通过残忍的折磨和野蛮的暴刑达到目的,不单是反抗军,就连他自己的部下对他也是深感恐惧。

    Ruthlessly employing torture and brutal violence to achieve his objectives , Darth Vader commands fear within his own troops as well as among his Rebel enemies .

  30. 然而,两年之内,地中海的战争呼啸着全面升级,且殖民地反抗军似乎赢得优势。

    However , within two years , the wars in the Mediterranean roared back in full escalation , and the rebelling colonies seemed to be gaining the advantage .