
shè huì biàn qiān
  • social change
  1. CJ帕斯科是数码青年项目与社会变迁的研究,美国加州大学伯克利分校的研究所博士后学者。

    CJ Pascoe is Postdoctoral Scholar with the Digital Youth Project at the Institute for the Study of Social Change , University of California , Berkeley .

  2. 健康照护团队(HCT)是批判生物医学理念的医療服务提供模式,也是回应社会变迁的产物。

    Health care team ( HCT ) is not only the critique on the provision model of medical service based on the ideas of biomedicine , but also the production in response to social change .

  3. 农民权益伴随着社会变迁而发展。

    The farmers rights and interests develop with the social changes .

  4. 现代中国的社会变迁与就业弱势群体

    Social Changes in Contemporary China and the Disadvantaged Groups in Employment

  5. 资本主义与城市社会变迁&新马克思主义城市理论视角

    Capitalist and urban social change & Perspective of Neo-Marxist urban theory

  6. 社会变迁中的回族文化模式及文化走向

    Culture Hui Nationality culture pattern and direction in the changing society

  7. 第五部分探讨慈善事业在近代社会变迁中所具有的一些新的社会功能。

    Modern philanthropy is the product of the changes of society .

  8. 深圳特区发展中的社会变迁

    Social Changes in the Development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

  9. 新政与美国南部的社会变迁

    The New Deal and the Social Changes of the American South

  10. 张謇与晚清社会变迁

    Zhang Jian and the Social Vicissitude of the Late Qing Dynasty

  11. 科学技术的社会变迁:一个社会学的分析

    Social Evolvement of Science and Technology : A Sociological Analysis

  12. 农村副业与乡村社会变迁

    The Village Sideline and the Change of the Rural Society

  13. 赣南农村市场中的非正式制度与近代社会变迁

    Informal Systems and Social Changes in Gannan Rural Markets in Modern Times

  14. 媒介与社会变迁:定县实验中的传播实验

    Media and the Changing Society : A Communication Experiment in Ding County

  15. 改革开放后海外新移民与农村社会变迁

    The New Overseas Migrants and Rural Social Changes after Reform and Opening-up

  16. 针对这一宗教文化变迁,笔者认为,社会变迁是决定性的因素。

    The social vicissitudes are the decisive factor for the religion-culture changes .

  17. 近代中国“半工业化”农村中的经济社会变迁

    On China 's Rural Economic Development during the Semi-Industrialization Periods

  18. 全球化实际上是一种综合的社会变迁。

    Globalization is actually comprehensive transforming of the society .

  19. 交通发展对社会变迁影响至深。

    The development of transportation brings about social changes .

  20. 认为折柳基督教的传入与发展是社会变迁的结果。

    The introduction and development of Christianity is the result of social change .

  21. 近代工业文明的植入与地区社会变迁

    Implantation of Modern Industrial Civilization and Regional Social Change

  22. 论社会变迁与刑事政策的调整

    On Social Changes and the Regulation of Criminal Policy

  23. 社会变迁是当代社会学研究中最为重要、最具挑战性的主题之一。

    Social change is the most important and challenging main topics in contemporary sociology .

  24. 合作社组织与乡村社会变迁

    Cooperative Organizations and the Transformation of Rural Society

  25. 社会变迁中的教师形象

    The Images of Teachers in the Social Changes

  26. 社会变迁与图书馆员角色的重新定位

    Social Shift and Librarian ′ s Role Relocation

  27. 只有当社会变迁速率较快时,时间焦虑感才有可能出现。

    Only when society changes in a fast speed will time urgency possibly occurs .

  28. 换句话说,建国后的乡村社会变迁无不与社会主义革命和建设相关。

    In other words , Rural Social Change and the Socialist Revolution is relevant .

  29. 唐朝岭南地区的奴婢问题与社会变迁

    The slaves and bondmaids problem of lingnan district in T'ang Dynasty and society evolution

  30. 近代河口镇经济与社会变迁

    The Evolution of the Economic and Society in He Kou Town During Modern Time