
shè huì ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ lì yì
  • Social and public interests;the social public benefits
  1. 本罪的犯罪对象应扩大为凡具有重大价值或者社会公共利益的计算机信息系统。

    The crime object of this offense shoulds extend to have the important value for any or the computer information system of the social public benefits .

  2. 教育对外交流与合作坚持独立自主、平等互利、相互尊重的原则,不得违反中国法律,不得损害国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。

    In conducting foreign exchange and co-operation in education , the principles of independence , equality , mutual benefit and mutual respect shall be adhered to , the laws of the People 's Republic of China shall not be violated , and the State sovereignty and security and public interests shall not be harmed .

  3. 研究表明,OA出版是一种有益于科研领域、社会公共利益和学者个人的出版模式。

    The results showed that OA publishing is a useful publishing model for scientific research , social public interest and individual scholars .

  4. 加入WTO后,外国企业、商品与服务理念的大量涌入,对中国具有社会公共利益性质的经济关系影响最为深远。

    After joining WTO , foreign enterprises , commodities and service idea will surge in great amount , which deeply affect the economic relation that has the character of public social interest of our country .

  5. 通常来说,BOT项目涉及的都是一些社会公共利益为基础的工程,这些工程普遍存在投资大、周期长、参与方多、不确定因素多的特性。

    Generally speaking , BOT projects are mostly infrastructure projects that relate to the social public interests , thus they have the characteristics of great-investment , long-cycle , various - participants and more uncertainty .

  6. 鼓励交易是指在不违背法律及社会公共利益的前提下,法律赋j予交易的当事人快速达成交易并尽可能促进使更多交易获得成功,从而实现经济效益的提高。

    Encourage the transaction is not contrary to the premise of the legal and social public interests , the law gives the parties to the transaction fast deal and as far as possible to promote more transactions succeed , in order to achieve economic efficiency .

  7. 再论社会公共利益的法律保护&案例法的视角

    On Legal Protection of Public Interests Again : Case Law Prospect

  8. 论经济法保障社会公共利益的理论基础

    Feasibility analysis of the economic law to safeguard the social public interests

  9. (五)违反法律或者社会公共利益的;

    Those that violate the law or the public interest ;

  10. 违反国家利益成社会公共利益的经济合同。

    Economic contracts violating the interests of the state or the public interest .

  11. 危害国家安全或者社会公共利益的;

    Where such goods or technologies will endanger national security or public interest ;

  12. 第八条教育活动必须符合国家和社会公共利益。

    Article 8 Educational activities shall conform to the State and public interests .

  13. 如何更好地保护国家利益、社会公共利益,成了我们面前急需解决的一个问题。

    How to protect the national and public interests has been an urgent issue .

  14. 各国都有公益司法保护制度,公益诉讼是为保护社会公共利益的诉讼。

    Judicial protection system of public good in every country protects social public interests .

  15. 论社会公共利益的法律实现

    On the Legal Realization of Social Public Interests

  16. 建立和完善缺陷产品召回制度对于保护消费者权益、企业利益以及社会公共利益等都具有重要的意义。

    It has important significance to set up the recall system of defective products .

  17. 这一矛盾的协调必须至少具备两个基本要件:一是社会公共利益真正成为衡量征地和拆迁合法的标准;

    The coordination of the contradictions must be based on two basic conditions : A.

  18. 检察民事公诉是指针对部分涉及国家利益和社会公共利益等方面的民事案件而由检察机关代表国家提起的诉讼。

    Prosecutorial civil actions are lawsuits which are instituted against public interests by procuratorial administration .

  19. 由于社会公共利益的需要在特定的情况下对特定的主体的名誉权保护有必要加以限制。

    For the sake of the public advantage , the reputation right may be restricted .

  20. 为维护社会公共利益需要,我国确立了土地征收制度。

    In order to protect public interests of society , China made land requisition system .

  21. 为了维护国家、社会公共利益,环境诉讼案件不断涌现。

    For uphold social and public benefits , environmental public suit emerge in large numbers .

  22. 侵犯国家利益或社会公共利益行为的可诉性。

    3 , Availability for prosecuting the behaviors of infringing national benefit or social public interests .

  23. 不违反法律或者社会公共利益。

    And ( 3 ) the act does not violate the law or the public interest .

  24. 法律法规的制度缺失使国家利益和社会公共利益每年蒙受巨大的损失。

    Because the lack of this system , national and public interests suffer huge losses every year .

  25. 社会公共利益是知识产权权利限制的主要动机和目的。

    Social public interest is the main motivation and aim of limiting intellectual property rights ' right .

  26. 这其中,酒后驾驶行为占有相当比重,对社会公共利益造成了重大危害。

    Of these , a significant share of drink driving on the public interest caused major damage .

  27. 论社会公共利益

    On Social Public Interest

  28. 保护警察执行公务是维护法律尊严、确保社会公共利益的需要。

    Protection of police law enforcement is necessary in guarding dignity of law and insuring social public interest .

  29. 困惑之三是私人利益的无限膨胀对国家主权和社会公共利益的侵蚀。

    And the third is the fact that private interests are seriously corroding state sovereignty and public interests .

  30. 基于两者的共性和个性,地方政府既代表着社会公共利益,又具有其相对独立的利益。

    The local governments not only present social public benefits , but also have its relative autonomous benefits .