
shè huì fēn ɡōnɡ
  • division of labor in society;social division
  1. 论社会分工、企业分工和企业网络分工&对分工的再认识

    On Division of Labor in Society , in Firms and in Firm Nets

  2. 市场是社会分工和商品生产发展的产物。

    Market is the product of division of labor in society and the development of commodities production .

  3. 当代社会分工日益细化。

    The modern social division of labour is becoming more and more specified .

  4. 研究结论表明:受社会分工与专业化、节约交易费用和聚焦核心竞争力的动力驱使,在企业物流与物流产业的双重演变下,LSSC形成了它独特的演化模式。

    Results show that LSSC presents its special double-evolution model driven by social division and specialization , transaction cost reduction and core-competence-refocused .

  5. 交通发展与社会分工关系模型研究

    Study on the Relationship Model between Communication Development and Social Division

  6. 论社会分工对高科技企业发展的影响

    The Influence of Social Division on the Development of High-Tech Enterprises

  7. 公共财政的形成是导源于社会分工。

    Public finance is formed from the social division of labor .

  8. 以社会分工为契机,促进农业产业化;

    Promote for an industrialized agriculture in the social specialization ;

  9. 社会分工使交易成本进一步增加。

    Social division of labour leads to more transaction cost .

  10. 这是经济发展和社会分工的必然结果。

    This is the result of division of economic and social corollary .

  11. 信息技术与女性社会分工变迁分析

    Analysis on the Information Technology and the Change In Female Social Labor Division

  12. 教师职业是一个古老而又新兴的职业,既是古代社会分工的产物,又是现代专业化发展的体现。

    Teacher occupation is an old and new occupation .

  13. 基于马尔可夫链的交通发展与社会分工关系模型

    Relation model between transportation development and social division of work based on Markov chain

  14. 摘要中国传统民间信仰中存在性别与社会分工问题。

    There is a problem of sex and labor division in Chinese folk belief .

  15. 中国扩大内需的长期机制:社会分工和制度变迁视角的分析

    Long-range Measures of Enlarging Chinese Demand : Analysis of Divided Labor and Systematical Change

  16. 王阳明社会分工思想的历史因袭及创新

    The Source and Innovation of Wang Yangming 's Thinking of Social Division of Labor

  17. 交易成本与社会分工演进

    Exchange Cost and Society Cent Work Evolution

  18. 论社会分工不足与市场供过于求的内在关系

    One the inner relationship between inadequate division of social labor and supply exceeding demand in market

  19. 征信在很大程度上是社会分工和信用交易的伴生品。

    Credit investigation to a large extent is a company of social division and credit trade .

  20. 调整分配关系,理顺社会分工,确保市场经济有序运行

    To Ensure Smooth Operation of the Market Economy by Adjusting Distribution and Social Division of Labor

  21. 在社会分工发展的不同历史阶段,社会共同体也表现为不同的形式。

    At the different stage of social division , the social community will be different form .

  22. 分工组织可以通过市场交易实现社会分工与组织内部分工的有效对接。

    Division organization can realize the effective joint of society division and division inside organization through marketing .

  23. 它是工业经济时代已经形成的社会分工与协作组织在当今知识经济条件下的发展与演化。

    It is the development and evolves of society work collaboration from industry economy to knowledge economy .

  24. 很多美国人不承认这歧视妇女,说这只是社会分工的不同。

    Most Americans do not admit this is prejudice and say this only is social labor division .

  25. 生产集中化和社会分工的发展实际上是生产社会化的二重表现和形式,通过集中化,提高劳动的社会生产力和规模效益;

    Development of centralized production and social division of work are the dual manifestation of socialization of production .

  26. 但是在《社会分工论》中,他的研究方法的实证主义立场并不彻底。

    However , in " The Division of Labor ," his empirical research methods do not stand completely .

  27. 这种角色观的形成与他们长期以来的社会分工形式密切相关。

    This typical formation of bias is closely related to their long form of social division of labor .

  28. 社会分工使教师成为一门职业,并向专业方向发展。

    Teachers become a occupation and obtain development in the professional field owing to the social division of labor .

  29. 随着社会分工的深化和价值创造的再构,全球价值链逐渐形成。

    With the deepening social division of labor restructure and value creation , the global value chain is shaped .

  30. 由最原始的社会分工产生的自然等级,到奴隶制时期的宗法等级制,再到封建社会的封建等级制。

    From the natural ranks at the very beginning to the Patriarchal level , and then the Feudal hierarchy .