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shǒu shi
  • jewelry;ornaments;ouch
首饰 [shǒu shì]
  • [ouch;jewelry] 原指男女戴在头上的装饰品,后专指妇女的头饰、耳环以及项链、戒指、手镯等

  • 奥楚蔑洛夫认出这人是首饰匠 赫留金。--《变色龙》

首饰[shǒu shi]
  1. 黄金首饰K值的XRF测定

    Measurement of the K value in gold ornaments by XRF method

  2. 人造首饰废水处理方法研究

    Study on the treatment of waste water from imitation ornaments processing

  3. 窃贼盗走了三件贵重的首饰。

    The thieves took three pieces of valuable jewellery .

  4. 她有几件漂亮的首饰。

    She has some lovely pieces of jewellery .

  5. 她把首饰全典当了。

    All her jewellery was in pawn .

  6. 烛光下,她的首饰光彩熠熠。

    Her jewellery sparkled in the candlelight .

  7. 她为佩戴首饰穿了个舌洞。

    She has a tongue piercing .

  8. 她戴着钻石首饰。

    She was wearing her diamonds .

  9. 有些人喜欢穿貂皮大衣,戴钻石首饰。

    Some people like to dress up in minks and diamonds .

  10. 另一次入室盗窃偷得了价值4,000英镑的首饰。

    Another break-in yielded a £ 4,000 haul of jewellery .

  11. 无论到哪儿她都会佩戴精美的首饰。

    She 'll wear fine jewellery wherever she goes .

  12. 我们将所有的金首饰和钱都交了出来。

    We handed over all our gold and money .

  13. 我花很多钱购买昂贵的首饰和衣服。

    I spend a lot on expensive jewelry and clothing

  14. 大牌珠宝商竞相邀约名人佩戴其名贵首饰。

    Big-name jewellers are battling it out to get celebrities to wear their bling .

  15. 妮科尔很喜欢戴她的钻石首饰,即使穿的是牛仔裤和白色T恤衫。

    Nicole loves wearing her diamonds , even with jeans and a white T-shirt .

  16. “可这是一件漂亮的首饰,不是吗?”

    ' It 's a nice piece of jewellery though , isn 't it ? '

  17. 她手指上戴的首饰闪闪发光。

    The jewels on her fingers sparkled

  18. 她戴着素净的首饰。

    She wore discreet jewellery .

  19. 她丈夫常给她买很多珠宝首饰。

    Her husband often buys her a lot of jewellery .

  20. 她用精美的首饰打扮新娘。

    She decked the bride with fine jewels .

  21. 她戴很多首饰。

    She wears a lot of jewelry .

  22. 那些贼拿了首饰,匆匆而去。

    The thieves took the jewels and then cleaned out .

  23. 我祖母有一些象牙首饰。

    My grandmother has some jewelry made of ivory .

  24. 莱拉头发博物馆收藏了来自维多利亚时代甚至更早时期的各种头发花环和首饰,最早的藏品可以追溯到1680年。

    Leila 's Hair Museum features a variety of hair wreaths and jewelry pieces from the Victorian period and earlier , dating all the way back to 1680 .

  25. “消气戒指”就是男朋友在惹女友生气后买来给女友让她开心的一件首饰,通常是一个戒指。

    An enragement ring is a piece of jewelry , typically a ring that is purchased for a girlfriend in an effort to make her happy after you have made her angry .

  26. 除此之外,如果对方是家底丰厚的“备胎”,更会三不五时送你礼物,即使贵重如名牌包包、手提电脑、珠宝首饰,为博你一笑,就算花再多的钱都心甘情愿。

    Also , they would never go Dutch but take care of you for everything . Apart from that , they are likely to bring you gifts if they happen to be born loaded including luxury bags , laptops , jewelry .

  27. 铂首饰镍含量的X荧光法无损检测

    Non-demaged Measuring Nichol Content in Pt Jewellery Using X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

  28. K金镶宝首饰在中国受欢迎

    In China karat gold jewellery is liked

  29. 表面镀铑对X射线荧光能谱测定白色K金首饰成分含量影响的研究

    Surface plated Rh effects the analytical results in ED-XRF analysis of white karat gold jewelery

  30. 为了尽可能减少黄金损耗,rholt&co最近购买了一台机器,用于生产首饰模具。

    R Holt & Co has recently bought a machine to make casts for its pieces of jewellery in order to minimise gold wastage .