
  • social man;social person;social being
  1. 企业文化的教化让社会人主动转移知识。

    The enlightenment of enterprise culture sends social man transfer knowledge initiatively .

  2. 而人是理性经济人和社会人的集合体。

    And people is aggregates of rational economic man and social man .

  3. 作为社会人,我们可以要求我们的孩子帮助我们了解什么能做,什么不能做。

    We can ask our kids to help us learn as a society what 's okay and what 's not .

  4. 但除了作为社会人的最低要求之外,他们几乎没有互相帮助的本能。

    But beyond the minimum requirements as social beings , they have little instinct to help one another .

  5. 信息素养是信息社会人的基本素养和基本生存办式。

    Information Literacy becomes basic literacy and methods to survive in Information Society .

  6. 自然人·社会人·文化人&论人的生存特性与生存使命

    Natural Man , Social Man , and Cultural Man

  7. 基于社会人假设的利益相关者财务治理机制研究

    A Research about the Mechanism of Stakeholders ' Financial Governance on Base of Social Person

  8. 论社会主义社会人的发展

    On Personal Development in Socialist Society

  9. 因此,企业不能仅仅是经济人,更应当是社会人。

    Therefore , enterprises can not only be economic man , but should be a social person .

  10. 消费文化的出现代表着当代资本主义社会人与物的关系的改变。

    The emergence of consumer culture represents the change of relationship of person-object in contemporary capitalist society .

  11. 资本主义社会人与人、人与自然以及人自身各个方面之间的激烈冲突催生了马克思主义。

    The fierce conflicts among capitalist society and man , man and nature , man and man bring Marxism into being .

  12. 一旦结婚,她们作为社会人的身份便消失,转而变成男性的附属品。

    Once they had got married , their identity as human beings lost and they became the private properties for men .

  13. 个体的成长过程是一个由自然人转变为社会人的社会化过程,这一过程是个体与社会环境不断交融与碰撞的结果。

    With a person growing up , he is carrying on the socialization process which is changing himself from natural person into social person .

  14. 因此整体主义不仅以前近代社会人的依赖关系为根基,而且有着广泛的社会心理基础。

    Therefore , holism not only based on " the human dependence " of the pre-modern society but also possessed widespread social psychological foundation .

  15. 就人文精神建设的途径而言,则是要找到适合社会主义社会人的全面发展的机制。

    As far as the channels for achieving the progress in humanism is concerned , suitable mechanism is expected for all-round development of the people under socialist system .

  16. 论高校德育中学校人与社会人的同构性&兼论21世纪高校的德育目标

    On the Innovation of " Man of the School " and " Man of the Society " in Moral Education at Universities & Discussing Objectives of Moral Education at Universities

  17. 当人们在广泛关注企业与个人信用问题的时候,却忽视了一群准社会人&大学生的信用问题。

    When people are paying extensive and close attention to enterprises and personal credit question , they ignore the credit of a group of quasi social people & university students .

  18. 可以用学校人和社会人来标示当代大学德育的两种理念目标。

    The terms " man of the school " and " man of the society " can be applied to indicate two conceptual objectives of moral education at the tertiary level .

  19. 并指出理性经济人假设的不完全性,从“社会人”的角度说明教育对“道德风险”防范的特殊重要性,并提出相应的建议。

    Furthermore , it points out the defect of " rational people " suppose , states the special importance of education from " social people " prospect , and puts forward the corresponding suggestions .

  20. 教师作为一个自然人与社会人的结合体,其成长的过程既是个体生命的生长,又是教师这一特殊职业决定的具有个性化的成长。

    Teachers are a natural combination of man and society , its growth is the process of growth of individual life , but also a teacher of this particular career decision with personal growth .

  21. 学生作为一个社会人,他们的发展离不开所生活的环境,要健康成长必须依赖于他们生存的环境。

    As the members of the society , the students can 't make any development without their living surroundings . If they want to grow up healthily , they must depend on the environment for existence .

  22. 经济人假定只适用于在市场经济中从事经济活动的人,政府公共部门的人性假定应当是社会人而非经济人。

    " Economic man " assumption is only applied in the people who are engaging in economic operation in the marketing economy . The humanity assumption of the government should be social man rather than economic man .

  23. 他们不排除与社会民主党人结盟的可能性。

    They didn 't rule out coalition with the Social Democrats .

  24. 英国的上流社会许多人已不再富得流油。

    Many of the British upper classes are no longer very rich .

  25. 一年多以前,社会民主党人的形势看起来一片大好。

    Little over a year ago , things looked very rosy for the Social Democrats

  26. 我不打算告诉你。你现在跟上流社会的人来往,我不会说的。

    I 'm not tellin ' you . Not now you 're in with the nobs .

  27. 原始社会的人用粗糙的石器猎取野兽。

    Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements .

  28. 对自然、社会与人关系的系统考察

    Systematic Investigation on the Relations among Nature , Society and Human

  29. 人的价值取向:经济的人?社会的人

    Human 's Value Tendency . Economic Man or Social Man

  30. 因此,美术作品必然是反映自然、社会和人的。

    Therefore , art works must reflect nature , society and persons .