
  • 网络social forecasting;Social prediction;social predication
  1. 本文拟就社会预测的必要性和可能性,社会预测较之自然预测的差异性,社会预测过程及方法等问题作初步探讨。

    The author probes preliminarily such problems as the necessity and possibility of social prediction , the difference between social prediction and nature prediction , the process and method of social prediction .

  2. 试论社会预测的主客体互动反射性原理

    On the Reflection Nature of the Subject and Object Interaction in the Social Forecasting

  3. 社会预测体制的生成与演变

    The Formation and Evolution on the System of Prediction

  4. 相似的未来与未来的相似&对相似性原理运用于社会预测的思考

    Similar Future and Future Similarity & Reflections on the application of Similarity Principle in Social Forecasting

  5. 我们希望我们的经济预测者们、社会预测者们以及我们的环境预测者们,在电视的黄金时段都能以同等的效率来进行交流沟通。

    We want our economic indicators , our social indicators and our environmental indicators to be communicated on prime-time television with the same level of efficiency .

  6. 认知社会,预测未来;

    To recognize our society and forecast the future ;

  7. 灰色系统理论在库周区社会经济预测中的应用

    Application of Grey Systems Theory to Social Economy Prediction for Circumjacent Reservoir Region

  8. 并通过社会经济预测指标及用水定额的趋势模拟预测结果进行了预测。

    According to forecasting result of tendency simulation between social economic forecasting index and its using water quota the forecast is made .

  9. 是否应针对社会心理学预测因素治疗(亚)急性下背部疼痛:来自全科诊所的多中心随机临床试验

    Should treatment of ( sub ) acute low back pain be aimed at psychosocial prognostic factors ? Cluster randomised clinical trial in general practice

  10. 联合国经济及社会理事会预测,到2050年,中国60岁以上的人口将达到4.37亿。

    The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs projects that by 2050 China will be home to 437 million people over the age of 60 .

  11. 第二章:经济预测方法综述,有重点地介绍了本文中用到的一些社会经济预测方法;

    Chapter 2 : the summary about the methods of economic forecasting , in this part , I introduce some forecasting methods which I will use in the article .

  12. 在此基础上,他以交往理论为基础重建历史唯物主义,并对晚期资本主义社会进行预测性分析,这是他重建历史唯物主义的目的。

    On this basis , he regards the acquaintance theory as base of rebuilding of historical materialism , and makes the predictive analysis of later capitalism society . This is his aim of rebuilding of historical materialism .

  13. 联合国一份经济与社会报告预测,尽管有人担心美国会出现经济衰退,但是亚太地区今年经济将持续增长。

    New Report Predicts Economic Growth for Asia Despite US Recession An annual U.N. Economic and Social report is projecting that economic growth in the Asia Pacific region will continue this year , despite the expected recession in the United States .

  14. 联合国亚太经济社会委员会预测,亚太地区发展中国家2008年的经济发展速度是7.7%,比2007前10年的最快发展速度略有下降。

    The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific says developing countries in the Asia Pacific region are expected to grow at a slightly lower rate , at 7.7 percent in 2008 , after enjoying its fastest growth in a decade in 2007 .

  15. 无论是马克思对平等的界定、对平等意义的分析,还是对未来人人平等理想社会的预测,都能够立足于现实和广大的被压迫阶级。

    He is based on the reality of society , service in the vast number of proletariat . Either of the equal definition , equal significance to analysis or equal the future development trend of the forecast will be based on reality and the vast majority of the oppressed class .

  16. 同时SNS使用强度可以对维持型社会资本进行预测。

    Meanwhile , SNS intensity can forecast maintained social capital .

  17. 目的评价Herrera产前生物社会心理模型预测早产的效果及其在上海地区的适用性。

    Objective To assess the predictive effect of Herrera Biopsychosocial Model on preterm delivery and to assess its applicability in Shanghai .

  18. 马克思主义对未来社会经济关系预测的合理性

    Practical Significance of Marxism 's Prediction to the Forth-coming Socio-Economic Relationships

  19. 未来五十年我国社会抚养比预测及其研究

    Forecasting Dependency Ratio of China 50 Years Later and the Relevant Analysis

  20. 中国高等教育社会投入需求预测

    Prediction of Demand for Social Devotion into Chinese Higher Education

  21. 宁夏节水型社会建设效果预测与分析

    Water resources distribution and effects analysis of water-conservancy society construction of Ningxia

  22. 系统科学与社会经济的预测规划

    System Science and the Program for Forecasting Social Economy

  23. 上海市全社会需电量预测分析

    Forecast and Analysis of Shanghai Electricity Demand

  24. 农机产品的社会拥有量预测是农机产品市场预测的基础。

    The prediction of social possessions of agricultural machinery products is the base for that of the markets .

  25. 这显然有利于法律体系的稳定性与协调性,并且有助于更好地发挥法律作为社会规则的预测功能。

    This is beneficial to the stability of legal system and to the better utilization of the forecasting function of law as social rules .

  26. 通过初中生感受到的重要他人的社会支持可以预测其心理健康状况,这其中既有初中生的同伴、教师的作用,也包括父母的作用。

    Junior high school students ' perception on social support ( some from partners and teachers , others from parents ) can show their mental health .

  27. 计算结果表明:组合预测方法可提高预测的精确性和可靠性,在社会经济发展预测研究中具有一定的使用价值,能为交通规划研究提供更为科学、合理的依据。

    It indicates that combination forecasting can improve the accuracy and reliability of forecasting , and be occupied with use value providing for traffic planning potentials .

  28. 人际消耗和社会偏见在预测职业倦怠总分和热情枯竭有大于5%的增益方差。

    Interpersonal depletion and social prejudice contributed an incremental variance of more than 5 % in predicting total score of job burnout and lack of passion score .

  29. 第二部分是探寻民间教育培训机构的发展历程,并找出发展的原因和社会背景,预测民间教育培训机构未来发展的趋势。

    The second part is to explore the development process of the folk education and training organizations , and finds out the cause and social background of it .

  30. 对社会经济发展预测和交通量预测理论和方法进行了归纳、比较,并重点对交通量预测的四阶段法进行了详细分析。

    The methods of the traffic forecasting and social economic forecasting are carried out and analyzed , and the four-step forecast method of highways section traffic is especially discussed .