- Cash equivalents;money equivalent

This would allow the European Banking authority to treat the T-bills as the equivalent of cash , since they could be sold to the ECB at any time .
The first is our investments : stocks , bonds and cash equivalents .
Many asset-backed securities were sold to money market mutual funds , which enhanced their cash-equivalence further .
The investing activities contain all activities relating to short-term investments other than the cash equivalents , long-term investments , and other long-term assets .
Well-managed companies frequently review their bank balances for the purpose of transferring any excess cash into cash equivalents or other investments that generate revenue .
Generally , the short-term is defined as ninety days or less , moreover , the cash equivalents must be distinguished with other short-term investments such as marketable securities .
An investment is confirmed as cash equivalent must have four conditions : short duration , strong liquidity , easy to exchange into cash and small risk of value change .
Toyota Motor ended December with more than $ 17 billion in cash and equivalents .
In IT industry , only the net increase in cash and cash equivalents has information content .
Apple 's cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities reached $ 144.7 billion at the end of March .
Since the cash and cash equivalents are considered the same , the transfers between the cash equivalents and cash accounts are not treated as cash flows
In the third chapter , researching the circular management of acceptance or payment of cash flow from the angle of the cash and the cash equivalent .
As you can see , NQ Mobile has moved its cash and cash equivalents from level 1 to level 2 in 2012 and did not tell us why .
The concepts introduced including cash , and the equal value of cash , cask flow , and business value , the domestic and foreign background of accounting principles .
Billionaires increased their holdings of cash and cash equivalents such as shares or bonds in the period to an average of $ 600m each from $ 540m last time .
After a first quarter marked by a 42 % rise in net profit , Samsung said its cash and cash equivalents grew to nearly $ 40 billion at the end of March .
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents and net cash flows from operating activities have information content in high earning quality companies , and stronger that those in poor earning quality companies .
To buy the Dow Jones stock , the Wongs needed more money than they currently had in their Merrill Lynch accounts , which held $ 433,000 in cash or equivalents available to buy securities .
Evidence shows : ( 1 ) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents per share , cash from operating activities and cash from investing activities per share have information content , while net cash flow per share from financing activities does not .
The cash ratio expresses the relationship of cash and cash equivalents to the current liabilities .
The enterprise cash flow includes the cash and cash equivalents .
Cash includes cash on hand , cash in bank , and cash equivalents such as liquid , short-term investments .
Industrial test shows that net cash flows from operating and investing activities in manufacturing industry listed companies have information content .
In this statement , the cash is defined to include both cash treasury , cash in bank and cash equivalents .
This paper analyzes on the shortages of the compiling foundation of the cash flow statement , and based on re-evaluating the definitions of the cash and cash equivalent , advances some suggestions on improving the compiling foundation of the cash flow statement .