
  • 网络reluctivity;magnetoresistivity
  1. 比如,在旋转的电磁场中,磁性材料的磁阻率呈现为张量。

    In rotating electromagnetic field , the reluctivity becomes tensor .

  2. 讨论了非线性磁场的计算问题,指出如何确定磁场磁阻率是影响计算收敛的重要因素。

    In this paper , the calculation of nonlinear magnetic field problems was discussed and it is an important influence factor on convergence that how to determine the magnetic reluctivity was pointed out .

  3. 磁场强度为2.15T时,3at%Ga掺杂GZO薄膜的磁阻率为最大值0.77%。

    When the magnetic field strength of 2.15T , the maximum reluctance was 0.77 % , which can be obtained for the 3at % Ga doped GZO films . 7 .

  4. 在向量磁位模型中,相应地修正了磁阻率的定义,使计算和程序都得到简化。改进的模型已通过实测与计算的考验。

    The improved models have proved out by experiments and computation .

  5. 三,利用过渡金属掺杂的氮化硼纳米管构造了具有原子级别平滑的一维磁隧道结,发现了很高的隧道磁阻率。

    Third , I use the transition metal doped boron nitrogen nanotubes to construct atom-level smooth one-dimensional magnetic tunnel junctions with high magnetoresistance .

  6. 常用铁磁材料的有效磁导率和磁阻率及其解析表达式该解析表达式对磁滞回线的模拟效果也非常令人满意。

    The Effective Permeances and Reluctances and Their Analytical Expressions for Common Ferromagnetic Materials The formula also fits the data of magnetic hysteresis loop very well .

  7. 理论研究表明磁阻的测量对于理解非常规输运性质是一种很好的工具,因为磁阻对载流子散射率1/τ,有效质量m~和费米面几何形状非常敏感。

    It is reported that the magnetoresistance ( MR ) measurement is a useful tool since it is more sensitive to the change in the charge carrier scattering ratel / r , effective mass m , and the geometry of the Fermi surface .